Justin Bieber Justin, (beleive it or not) is a real human being!!

Kennedybreeanne posted on Feb 14, 2010 at 06:26AM
This post is for all you girls out there who appreciate Justin Beiber's music. I am so sick of hearing, Justin's hott.. Well, he is a beautiful person and we can all appreciate that. Just don't go all scaryly obsessive over how amazing he is. Just because you say 'i love justin beiber' Doesnt mean you love him. You guys are retarded. You love Justins face, his music, his smile.. yadayadayada. SHUT UP. Justin isnt his face, or his smile, his eyes, his music. Those are all characteristics of him. He is why is behind those eyes, fancy cloths, celeb friends and everything else. He has emotions, he gets over welmed. He is like me and you. Just a little different. Open your eyes to reality. If your gunna love Justin, love him.. not the things about him. I truely beleive the only person who could possibly really love him are close friends and his mommy. No joke. I am a band-ade of his music (Which means i love the music and not him in general) That doesnt mean he isnt amazing, he prolly is. I can't state that until' i get to know him. Which i am not sure is going to happen any time soon. I'm not hatin, im just saying.
Typed with all my love.
Kennedy Breeanne.

Justin Bieber 1 reply

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over a year ago bieberjustin96 said…
yeah i know... i will always tell people that i love his smile but i dont "Love" him cuz i dont know him in person... why say something like that... it would be really cool to meet him in person but im not like all the other girl who scream at him 24/7... im myself... why not be ur self... if you want someone to know that real you then show them the real you... if i ever went to him concert i would be watching him and singing along with him... why scare him away from you or any one??? i dont get other girls who do that... but yeah hope some one writes back hehe