Kablam! Updates

a comment was made to the question: Do u remember this when u were lil????? over a year ago by Ih8ThisNameGame
a comment was made to the question: how many people joined this group bcoz u thought the name sounded cool? over a year ago by Ih8ThisNameGame
a comment was made to the poll: From Sniz and Fondue, who do you like best? over a year ago by Ih8ThisNameGame
a comment was made to the video: Kablam 1st TV Commercial over a year ago by CF_the_Kid2
a pop quiz question was added: A man holding a smoking pipe in his mouth with his arms crossed is pictured at the end of what episode? over a year ago by mcomeger
a pop quiz question was added: A car full of wild animals is pictued At the end of what episode? over a year ago by mcomeger
a pop quiz question was added: A green hypnotist with a gold watch is shown at the end of what episode? over a year ago by mcomeger
a pop quiz question was added: A race car is shown at the end of which episode? over a year ago by mcomeger
a pop quiz question was added: In which episode did the lucky contest winner "Ryan" appaer in? over a year ago by mcomeger
a comment was made to the pop quiz question: The "I Love to KaBlam!" song by June is in what episode? over a year ago by mcomeger
an answer was added to this question: how many people joined this group bcoz u thought the name sounded cool? over a year ago by mcomeger
a pop quiz question was added: Why was Henry mad at June at the beginning of the episode "Won't Stick To Most Dental Work"? over a year ago by ripper124
a pop quiz question was added: How did the circus lion performer and Big Top do at the end of the show? over a year ago by ripper124
a pop quiz question was added: What was the name of the super hero June had created in It's Flavorific! over a year ago by mcomeger
a pop quiz question was added: What number is the Prometheus tape about music? over a year ago by mcomeger
a pop quiz question was added: What was the exact name of the hospital Sniz went to when his motorcycle fail on him? over a year ago by mcomeger
a pop quiz question was added: In Sniz and Fondue, what was the name of the store Sniz went to to buy his motorcycle? over a year ago by mcomeger
a pop quiz question was added: Prometheus is a..... and.... character? over a year ago by mcomeger
a pop quiz question was added: What color is Prometheus? over a year ago by mcomeger
a pop quiz question was added: In the entire series, Mr. Foot only spoke once in what episode? over a year ago by mcomeger
a pop quiz question was added: In Life with Loopy, the stranded astronaut says he was on the moon since over a year ago by mcomeger
a pop quiz question was added: On Meltman's driver license, what is his first and last name? over a year ago by mcomeger
a pop quiz question was added: His dishonor (the Mayor) badly wanted to turn the page in what episode? over a year ago by mcomeger
a pop quiz question was added: When Henry got upset and quite the show, who was Junes new Co-host? over a year ago by mcomeger
a pop quiz question was added: In Life with Loopy, what color did Mother Nature say Loopy will paint the leaves if she looses? over a year ago by mcomeger
a pop quiz question was added: A giant robot reading a comic book is at the end of what episode? over a year ago by mcomeger
a pop quiz question was added: The idea for "Smellevision" (where the viewer came smell anything from their TV) is mentioned in what episode? over a year ago by mcomeger
a pop quiz question was added: A dentist is shown holding a tooth (in which he'd just pulled) with his smiling gapped mouth patient at the end of which episode? over a year ago by mcomeger
a pop quiz question was added: June and Henry are extremely fat in which episode? over a year ago by mcomeger
a pop quiz question was added: The "I Love to KaBlam!" song by June is in what episode? over a year ago by mcomeger
a pop quiz question was added: June said "I beat out Wesley Snipes" in which episode? over a year ago by mcomeger
a pop quiz question was added: In which episode does Henry and June becomes REAL? over a year ago by mcomeger
a pop quiz question was added: Henry and June was told to fire Mr. Foot in which episode? over a year ago by mcomeger
a pop quiz question was added: In what episode did the KaBlam! marching band play in? over a year ago by mcomeger
a pop quiz question was added: In Life with Loopy, she makes a cocoon and stayed in it for..... and became a butterfly. over a year ago by mcomeger
a pop quiz question was added: A man is getting the KaBlam! logo tattooed on his back is at the end of what episode? over a year ago by mcomeger
a pop quiz question was added: June said "WOW! I'm cut like a rock" in what episode? over a year ago by mcomeger
a pop quiz question was added: In Big Top, the circus lion performer is an extremely....... character. over a year ago by mcomeger
a pop quiz question was added: At the end of What The Astronauts Drink, what color is the juice the astronaut is drinking? over a year ago by mcomeger
a pop quiz question was added: Prometheus tries to teach Bob how to play music in what episode? over a year ago by mcomeger
a pop quiz question was added: A boy wearing a ring is at the end of which episode? over a year ago by mcomeger
a pop quiz question was added: The Prometheus and Bob tapes are........ old. over a year ago by mcomeger
a pop quiz question was added: In total, how many KaWords are shown in the opening part of the show? over a year ago by mcomeger
a pop quiz question was added: In Sniz and Fondue, what is the name of the hair gel he was using at first for his mohawk? over a year ago by mcomeger
a pop quiz question was added: What did Fondue say when the big guy was draging him on the ground? over a year ago by ripper124
a pop quiz question was added: In Action Leagues Now! how did the League make Big Baby feel better? over a year ago by mcomeger
a pop quiz question was added: In Life with Loopy, at the end, how did she help her dad feel better about getting bills in the mail? over a year ago by mcomeger
a pop quiz question was added: Junes ripped out a page and makes a giant paper airplane for Henry and her to fly to the Mexican border in what episode? over a year ago by mcomeger
a pop quiz question was added: What is the name of the circus lion performer on Big Top? over a year ago by mcomeger
a pop quiz question was added: What color is the circus lion performer on Big Top? over a year ago by mcomeger