Kanye West You Are Less Than A Man

ihatekanye121 posted on Sep 14, 2009 at 11:56PM
you waited and selected a moment when you would be less likely to have your ass handed to you by forcing yourself passed a 17 year old white girl.Why didnt you choose a black women or A MAN ,because you are a pussy !!!you chose this moment intentionally because of your lack of spine !next time show your small ass balls and gay ass tendencies by at least choosing a VICTIM who will give you a fight .you couldnt take the mike from a black women and any man there could have kicked your sissy ass !! you are such a punk ass bitch and some day it will shine through good luck hiding it until then you weak ass bitch!

Kanye West 2 replies

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over a year ago emma-may said…
could you help me out here because i most be the stupidist retard on the planet for not understanding this...

there are a hell of a lot worse people out there than kanye! i mean what’s that guy who locked Jaycee lee dugard in his shed and had two kids with her, and serial killers like the Yorkshire ripper, Garry glitter the rapist/paedophile singer, josef fritzle the guy who locked up his daughter, guys dropping bombs on villages with kids in them, illegal diamond mining where men force children to mine, kids as young as 6 shooting each other, the parents of baby p who tortured the two year old to death and your worried about some guy who jumped out of place at an award ceremony. yh that make real f***in sense to me.

seriously could you explain the above to me? because in comparison with the likes of hitler im just struggiling ever so slightly to see how kanye should-be-sntanced-to-death crime could measure up to that of hitler, josef fritzle, gary glitter, chris brown, and serial killers?

like i said i must be so retarded for not seeing that kanye totally deserves all the crime-of-the-centuary response he is getting for totally ruining the rest of taylors life and leaving her mentally scarred to the piont of insomnia.

ps wtf r u tlking about he kicked jay-z ass. he didnt even pick he was just outraged by her winnning when he wanted beyonce to win. this sudden spur of anger is caused by stress, and is more likely when somone is drunk which he was, drunkness in turn is somthing people turn to when depressed or stressed or both. so really what he needs is support not pressure.
over a year ago ihatekanye121 said…
when u fuck up people call you on it ,how you try to relate what happened to a kidnapped victim and hitler has now stance,he fucked up and showed what a punk he is.