Kari Kamiya and Gatomon Updates

a photo was added: Kari and Gatomon 9 days ago by InoFairy
an icon was added: Tailmon art daact over a year ago by LupinPrincess
fan art was added: tumblr 05b0016e921e54eea089074d23700944 a1710d2b 500 over a year ago by LupinPrincess
a comment was made to the poll: which one would land on the Moon, Kari or Sora? over a year ago by MexicoEmpire
a comment was made to the poll: which kari outfit you like over a year ago by MexicoEmpire
a comment was made to the poll: Kari Kamiya is the best digidestined girl? over a year ago by MexicoEmpire
a poll was added: Kari Kamiya is the best digidestined girl? over a year ago by MexicoEmpire
a comment was made to the poll: Favorite digi-girl over a year ago by MexicoEmpire
a comment was made to the fan art: gatomon over a year ago by MexicoEmpire
a comment was made to the photo: Enterflame0010 over a year ago by MexicoEmpire
a comment was made to the poll: Who should be with Kari over a year ago by MexicoEmpire
a pop quiz question was added: is Kari a angel of light? over a year ago by joey188
a poll was added: which one would land on the Moon, Kari or Sora? over a year ago by joey188
a poll was added: Favorite digi-girl over a year ago by PYRUS4EVR
a comment was made to the link: Kari kamiya-A girl like you over a year ago by PYRUS4EVR
an answer was added to this question: Where may I get a gotomon plush toy cause gatamon is my favorites digimon ever. over a year ago by PYRUS4EVR
an answer was added to this question: Where can I get a gatamon digimon card? over a year ago by PYRUS4EVR
an answer was added to this question: Where can I trade a puppetmon for a gatamon digimon card? over a year ago by PYRUS4EVR
a question was added: Where can I trade a puppetmon for a gatamon digimon card? over a year ago by dallgrundy
a question was added: Where can I get a gatamon digimon card? over a year ago by dallgrundy
a question was added: Where may I get a gotomon plush toy cause gatamon is my favorites digimon ever. over a year ago by dallgrundy
a pop quiz question was added: What is Gatamon's highest stage? over a year ago by iz78
a poll was added: which kari outfit you like over a year ago by cutemimi25
a link was added: Kari kamiya-A girl like you over a year ago by snowy1001
a pop quiz question was added: Who is Kari Kamiya? over a year ago by snowy1001
a comment was made to the pop quiz question: in digimon world, who was the first digimon that joined file city? over a year ago by ghinwa
a pop quiz question was added: in digimon world, who was the first digimon that joined file city? over a year ago by ghinwa
a poll was added: Who should be with Kari over a year ago by akemi43
a screencap was added: gatomon over a year ago by weedolove