Katharine McPhee Clay Aiken Dumped?

joni777 posted on Feb 20, 2009 at 02:24PM
Has Clay Aiken been dumped by his record company? According to fadedyouthblog.com, Aiken has mysteriously disappeared from RCA's website and all of his press info seems to be deleted.


If RCA did dump Clay, it wouldn't be the first time an Idol runner-up has gotten the boot from the company. It also dropped Blake Lewis and Katharine McPhee.

Aiken has released 5 albums, which have sold millions of copies, but it's no secret that his sales have slipped.

The big question: Why?

Last year, Aiken dropped two bombshells on his core group of fans called the "Claymates." First, he had a son with a longtime friend (a much older woman) and then revealed he was gay.

Many wondered how would the "Claymates" feel? Would "Gay Clay" play in Peoria?

At the time, Aiken told People Magazine, "Whether it be having a child out of wedlock, or whether it be simply being a homosexual, it's going to be a lot," he said regarding the reactions of his fans. Still, he says his fans "know that I've never intended to lie to anybody at all.... But if they leave, I don't want them to leave hating me."

Roger Neal used to rep Donny Osmond, Lee Greenwood, the Gatlin Brothersand Kenny Rogers. He now owns Neal Public Relations and today he spoke exclusively with RadarOnline.com about reports RCA dropped Aiken.

Neal says the minute Aiken came out he thought: "Who is the idiot advising him? He just killed his career.

His image was squeaky clean and all American. When an artist who appeals to young people comes out the parents don't always support them. Know your fan base.

There is speculation about a number of celebrities. The older stars get it. They keep certain things private and keep their career." katharinemcpheeforum.com

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