King of the Hill Worst Episode Ever.....5/4/08

rwk1983 posted on May 05, 2008 at 01:24AM
i just watched the new king of the hill was funny as usual but what i truely disliked is this.first off bobby hill is one little braty semi gay kid but shit i did not know he was a snitch.......i hope dooley and clarke kick his tatle telling little ass.and the thing that made it the worst episode was that Hank robbed that guy and at the end of the show the cop asked Hank if he wanted to press charges and he was like hell yes...what the F%%k a real man would let it go as a misunderstanding considering for all that psycho knew he was just getting robbed again and he was not gonna take it anymore.if i was the psycho i would be like (eye for an eye) well i want to press charges on this man (hank) for robbing me and threating me (i think thats attempted assault i aint sure it probably goes by another name but im sure it is illegal)it would have been awesome to see hank get arrested for being a little bitch and pressing charges and the episode would have said to be cont. but instead we will never hear from that psycho again and i will always wonder if he got in deep trouble ( i know its just a cartoon).I guess Hank is a little tatle tale just like bobby.Dont get me wrong i love this show and my next topic will probably be positive but goddamn i hate tatle tells....they were my least favorite type o students when i went to school back in the day.god i wish Hank would not have pressed charges i lost alot o respect for him (i know its a cartoon).no one should have went to jail they both just should have laughed it off and let it be. please give yalls opinion on the matter.

I hate peggy hill

King of the Hill 4 replies

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over a year ago marissa said…
I liked this episode.

Hank pressing charges... that was just his character, you know?

And Bobby was just getting back at those two kids. They started it, right?
over a year ago rwk1983 said…
well i dont remember if they started it but then again i might have missed 30secs-2minutes of the beginning of the show. do to my nasty habit that the women of the house makes me take out doors(nasty habit=smoking cigs).and hank is a tough conservative i thought not a wimpy tatle tale....but thanks a mill for your opinion and in someways(probably more ways then me)you are right
over a year ago dlrblount said…
I understand it's just your opinion, but WOW! You realize it's just a cartoon like you said? I agree with part of what you said, it was a bizarre show, a little out of character for Hank. I guess Mike Judge wants to keep things different as time goes by so he put a slight spin on Hank for that situation. Who knows?
over a year ago brianl004 said…
Hank is the man and when it comes to upholding the law there isn't any way around it, he does not cut corners.