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Lady Gaga Question

Fellow Lady GaGa Fans, Please Help Me!!! I'm Desperate!

It really bothers me a lot that Ke$ha is rising to fame..... She's replacing Most of Lady GaGa's spot at on all the music charts.....Whenever I see Ke$ha's face, I get this feeling where I wanna Pull all her hair from her scalp and slit her throat.....relishing every moment of it.....But when I hear her song called "Your Love Is My Drug", I don't get bothered.....It's like the song is soothing.....But other than that song, it's awful for me to hear.....I always react when I read articles that says like "Lady GaGa is dethroned from her #1 spot by a party-girl, Ke$ha in (name of a specific music chart).....I get mad after reading such articles to the point where I really wanna murder her.....So GaGa fans, what do you all think I should do? (NOTE: I DON'T WANT ANY DISRESPECTFUL OR ANY INSULTING ANSWERS!)
Fellow Lady GaGa Fans, Please Help Me!!! I'm Desperate!
Dont worry Ke$ha's 15 minutes are almost up
MyBFFAlice posted over a year ago
hope ur ryt...
hareyzzz9255 posted over a year ago
true that....@jessicamc26; lmao!
hareyzzz9255 posted over a year ago
 hareyzzz9255 posted over a year ago
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Lady Gaga Answers

manateegrl said:
Don't worry, Ke$ha won't last long. Have you heard her live? It gave me nightmares. Not kidding. Gaga has MUCH more talent, and I've even heard her haters say she was 10000x better than Ke$ha.
& TBH, Tik Tok was the only song that had this much appeal to people, other than that, the songs on her album will NOT do well as singles. Except maybe Blah Blah Blah, but that's only because 3OH!3's fans will be buying it too. But think about it: It'll probably be released as a single around the time when Telephone is released, and Gaga's fans + Beyonce's fans will CRUSH Ke$ha & 3OH!3's fans, because the fanbase is soooo much larger. & That will be close to the end of Ke$ha's career. Honestly, I think that if someone who sounds like a bag of cats being lit on fire (Ke$ha singing live) becomes more successful than A girl who's worked very hard for years, & has LOTS of talent (Gaga, obviously), there is something seriously messed up with the world. We just have to make sure Telephone does well, because a lot of people are mistaking it for Video Phone, so they aren't buying it. The confusion will die down once the video comes out though ;) Now I'm not saying just sit back and relax... Sure Ke$ha WILL fade, but we still have to vote for Gaga every chance we get, & buy her stuff ;) C'mon, think about it... if we voted for the Peoples Choice Awards so much that we beat Adam Lambert, Taylor Swift, AND Britney Spears, then we can sure as heck beat Ke$ha at anything ;)
After all, we're not just fans... We're little monsters! :D
*Monster Claw*
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posted over a year ago 
*votes as best answer* =D
MyBFFAlice posted over a year ago
:D Thanks!
manateegrl posted over a year ago
Thanks everyone :)
manateegrl posted over a year ago
Norrapang said:
Sooner or later ppl r gonna get bored of Ke$ha
But no one's ever gonna bet bored of Gaga
Gaga will make the charts again someday
Sides, Gaga lives forever. ^^
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posted over a year ago 
I really hope that's true.....I'm doubting about the ppl get bored of Ke$ha part though.....Bt anywayz, Thnx 4 ur answer....XD
hareyzzz9255 posted over a year ago
Cameron10 said:
In response to your question, "what do you all think I should do?", I personally think you should FUCKING CRY ABOUT IT. GaGa and K$ are my bitches, neither could replace the other, but if K$ does replace GaGa, it's clearly well deserved. Her rise to success was so sudden, do you really believe she will fall soon? 15 fucking minutes, my ass. Trust me babez, this is only the beginning for Kesha Sebert and once she's done, the world of music will never be the same.
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posted over a year ago 
get a life freak .. GaGa rose 2 fame ......IN 10 MINUTES ...gaga will live 4ever .....Kesha ///hoo mis she ?
aoifebabe posted over a year ago
@Cameron10: I understand that u lyk GaGa and Ke$ha but honestly, I really dnt lyk Ke$ha that much....The world of music will BE the same without Ke$ha....Her songs r just catchy....There's nothing special about her voice...also...I said I DON'T WANT ANY DISRESPECTFUL ANSWER.....--_--
hareyzzz9255 posted over a year ago
Thnx...u shouldn't b sorry 4 ur answer.....I think ur's jst that I'm detested by the rude words...Bt nw I'm totally fyn with it....Maybe I should really consider wat y'all think.....In truth, I' don't really hate Ke$ha...I jst realized it that I don't exactly hate her....It's just that I'm mad bcuz she's replacing more of GaGa's #1 spots in most music charts....I even bought the Ke$ha's album: Animal b4 I read the articles about GaGa losing her #1 spots....^^
hareyzzz9255 posted over a year ago
timo_superstar said:
don't worry. ke$ha won't last long in the music telling u...there are already too many artists with music like hers and nobody does it better than lady have no worries...lady gaga will always be above ke$ha and i promise you that!
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posted over a year ago 
I hw do u knw that? I must admit, her songs r pretty catchy i'm afraid.....
hareyzzz9255 posted over a year ago
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