Lexy Cat Updates

a video was added: Lexy Cat Slideshow over a year ago by LexyCat
a photo was added: Lexy over a year ago by LexyCat
a link was added: Lexy's Youtube Channel over a year ago by LexyCat
an icon was added: Lexy icon over a year ago by Starring
a comment was made to the poll: Which picture of Lexy Cat do you like best? over a year ago by Starring
a screencap was added: Lexy and the Box over a year ago by LexyCat
a pop quiz question was added: What does Lexy do in the short video "Lexy and the Box"? over a year ago by Starring
a wallpaper was added: Lexy Cat Wallpaper over a year ago by Starring
a video was added: Lexy and the box over a year ago by Starring
a comment was made to the photo: Bright idea! over a year ago by Starring
fan art was added: Lexy over a year ago by Starring
a poll was added: Which picture of Lexy Cat do you like best? over a year ago by Starring