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LGBT Question

How did you find out about your sexuality?

How or/and when did you find out about your sexuality?

I'm bisexual.
I slowly acknowledged it; When I was ten, I remember having an immense attraction for an actress. I always thought she was beautiful, and pictured myself kissing her and giving her a hug. I didn't understand it at the time, but it was a crush. I always noticed if girls were beautiful, and then iI had another crush on another girl not too long ago.
I know I'm not gay because I also had crushes on two boys.

What about you? :)

(If you'd wish, please tell me your orientation and gender)

 sapherequeen posted over a year ago
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LGBT Answers

SouthParkSmart said:
I'm a lesbian (pretty sure). I have a ton of reasons, but these are just a few...

I'm sure I've always been at least gay, bisexual is another thing. Since I was ten or so, I've been unusually interested in women's bodies (I used to be quite the stare-er,lol).

I remember thinking that certain girls were attractive, but not in a "oh, she's pretty" kind of way. That was another sign of my first attractions. I still feel kind of different around girls I think are cute, like I feel more masculine. It's hard to explain.

Then, I started getting a crush on a girl in middle school. I was determined to be straight back then so I spent years trying to convince myself that I was 100% straight. That was not good, so I'm just figuring it out now after blocking all those emotions.

Guys.. I've just never been that interested in them. Whenever someone's like, "OMG, he's such a hottie!" I'm all confused like I don't see it in him at all.
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posted over a year ago 
omg thankyou! i feel that way when my sister stares at pics of 1direction or jessy mccartney or some other one of them :P
coriann posted over a year ago
how ever, guys do make me hot and i am attracted, maybe i guess it's just in a different way, cause i don't react the same way watching a pic of a hot guy as i do watching a girl, the girl just makes me wanna f***
coriann posted over a year ago
pietruszka said:
I'm pansexual. I met this one girl, and I knew from the first sight that I'll like her, but I didn't know that I will fell in love with her. The more we talked and spend time together I was just being more and more sure that she's someone perfect for me.
I shared by biggest taboos and secrets with her, and she was so understanding... But she's a very ardent Christian. She didn't bash me when I told her I like both girls and boys, but she was a little scared at first.
At pray-club she met the boy who studies theology and they are now together for like a year. I guess they will get married. I never told her how I felt, but I saw that since she got a boyfriend I don't mean anything for her.
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posted over a year ago 
same here... she is religious, knows how i like her and feels pretty much the same as me. But.. she is scared even of her own thoughts. about it
LabraLege posted over a year ago
Hinata-Snow said:
I'm straight, and the top reason is that I fell I love with a friend when I was twelve. She broke my heart but I've had crushes on other girls(real and fictional) since.

A lesbian friend of mine told me that her orientation was revealed when she asked her self who could she trust, heart body and soul. She was also twelve when this happened.
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posted over a year ago 
desgrace said:
im a lesbian. i found out at about eleven when i stumbled on a site. a bad site. all of women. and i couldnt get off because i felt attraceted to those women. then ever since then i have felt a different way about women. when twilight came out i had fantasies of kristen stewart. lol. i have a crush of some sort on a girl named Janeen. she is straight. its just kinda hard. i havent told anyone except for the people on this site.
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posted over a year ago 
GaGaBoi said:
Started off as thinking i was '' bisexual '' for 2 - 3 years. Then finally accepted that i was the full GAY when i met a certain someone who i've been with for 10 months now. ^_^
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posted over a year ago 
xxAjulietxx said:
I'm lesbian. It kind of started in 4th grade when all my friends started to get interested in boys and I never understood why, at first I thought I just wasn't into boys yet because I was only 9. I've always had a certain feeling around girls that I didn't around guys and I always told myself it was only jealousy. Then in middle school I thought I was completely straight but I still had a feeling for girls. Therefore I thought I was bisexual because I thought I still liked boys a little, but now I realize that I'm full lesbian. Most of my friends know now and all but one accept it (he is a major homophobe, he thinks it's wrong if two girls hug.)
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posted over a year ago 
I have that same feeling!
SouthParkSmart posted over a year ago
BellaCullen96 said:
I'm bisexual, and I didn't really accept it until several months ago when I found out one of my best friends was. I always kinda knew I was, because I've sorta been attracted to girls since around 5 years ago, and then I had a crush on said bi friend for a few months, though I thought I was being stupid, and I was trying to convince myself I was straight. Then I decided just to accept it when I found out about my friend :)
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posted over a year ago 
novelist_dream said:
im 100% lesbo as i like to put it. in 4th grade (id just swiched schools) on the first day on the bus i met gennie, within 5 minutes she was my best friend but with 1 she had my attenchion and it didnt leave. im in 8th grade now, she is still my best friend and she still always holds my attenchon. i resently came out and dropped the act id been doing. i was sure i was gonna be able to keep my likeing her a secret like i had since i met her but when she tried telling she's bi i didnt wanna hear it cause it would bring down my wall that kept her from knowwing. she was percistent and after when she asked what my reason was for not wanting it voiced i caved and told her. she said i shoulda told her and that if she didnt have a boyfriend i would be her choice. i felt like a compleate idiot for worryin and ive started saying what i really wanna say to her. something changed but everythings great. i guess its uncharacteristic for someone my age to be able to say this and mean it with sertandy but shethe senter of my world that hasnt changed and i dont think its gonna. even if she dont know the estent of my feelins.
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posted over a year ago 
xxGrell_Kunxx said:
I’m lesbian and I found out that I started liking girls since 9th grade and I have no interest in boys. I have a major crush on two girls.

My friend Carlee is pansexual and I had a crush on her after I found out. But after she told me all about this one girl that she really likes and told me that they are planning on getting married, I felt like crying. But I still like her.

My other crush is on this girl I met at a convention not too long ago. She was playing air hockey with her friend and I stayed to watch her play. When she was done she just came up to me and kissed me. I wasn’t embarrassed to ask her about her sexuality and she told me she was pansexual. We talked for a while and then she had to leave. She was funny and super cute. I REALLY wanted to spend the whole day with her and ask her out on a date, but I never got the chance to.

My friends know about my sexuality and don’t think I’m weird because most of them are lesbian and homosexual.

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posted over a year ago 
avatar2012 said:
I'm bisexual. When I was around 9 my friend started trying to play games with me that would eventually lead to kissing. By 13 she admitted that she liked me and I found myself saying the same. It took me 5 years but at the age of 14 I finally accepted it when my friend asked our lunch table what our sexual orientation was. I meant to say straight but when asked I blurted out bisexual. It was like I just naturally knew.

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posted over a year ago 
House_Anatomy said:
So, I am a girl & I am fully gay, as in a lesbian.

How did I find out? Pretty simple. Olivia Wilde started acting on House and I fell head over heels for her. After basically spamming my friend with everything I got to know about Olivia, she opened up to me and told me she thought I was gay. I just talked to her about it, and understood that I was really gay.

Basically that is the story, but now, looking back.. I acknowledge even more that I was gay since forever with all the crushes I had and everything.
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posted over a year ago 
nohoudini said:
I used to Identify as Lesbian but now I use "Queer" because everything is just too complicated. Definitely not straight though. I think I've always been attracted to girls but until I was 14 I would just kinda tell myself "no, I only want to be LIKE her" if I started thinking about how good looking a girl was. And then I kinda fell in love but then (thinking I was only bisexual) I started dating boys to make it go away. And for some reason, I couldn't fathom why I didn't enjoy dating boys. And then one day I was sitting around on the internet and I saw a trailer for the Runaways and then I was like "maybe I'm proper gay." and it was true and I broke up with my boyfriend and identified as a Lesbian for a couple of years.

But then one day despite still having feelings for that same girl I also kinda developed a crush on this FTM trans guy who was post-transition and stuff and it was just a massive headfuck to me because it wasn't like I was thinking of him as a girl or anything but I thought I couldn't be attracted to guys???

Anyway labels suck and I hate them unless "not-straight" is a legitimate sexuality.

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posted over a year ago 
coriann said:
well, i never really thought anything was wrong with me, i couldn't figure if my feelings about girls weren't normal, i still can't decide whether it's normal or not, i always thought it was sort of normal to just accidentally crush on the same sex, because i didn't think there was anything inside us that "made" us only want a certain sex. But then i realized it might not be normal the hard way, when i lost a friend because she figured i was acting weird around her.
i never thought i was gay because i like guys, i don't know who I'm more sexually attracted to. Certain things about guys bodies i like and certain things about girls bodies i like, but i tend to be more attracted to a pretty face of any gender
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posted over a year ago 
i think i could be Bisexual O___O
coriann posted over a year ago
YoYoLover4Ever said:
Well; it had to be when I kissed someone that was of the same gender. (*Yeah. And now he's go-SHUT UP*) and it just felt that...right; to me. And yes, Corey; he's gone now. (*But doesn't mean forever!*) Death IS forever, dummy! (*W/E. Anyway; with me; it was when Aleasha introduced me to one of her friends and he was F***ING hot! Now he and I are happily married!*) Meanie. >.<'
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posted over a year ago 
NightFrog said:
I sort of thought about my past, and realized that even when I was younger I didn't have a problem with the idea of harboring romantic feelings for the same gender- it was when I was dragged down the "religious-heterosexual" road where I began feeling weary. As I grew a more independent mind, I began to discover more about myself- mostly in the recent months.

I debated on whether I was asexual for awhile, but I developed a crush (on a girl, beside the point), and then understood that I was pansexual- I was sure it was between asexuality or pansexuality. It's one of the few things in my life I'm pretty sure about.
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posted over a year ago 
Cantonese_Boy said:
I'm a Transman, and I like girls (as we say in school-Straight Man, Lesbian Girl) . I knew this when I was about 11, I noticed there was a reason I only ever hanged out with the lads, never painted my nails, and always disliked Barbie, Pink, Shopping, and having long hair. I only ever wore a dress once - forced - for a wedding when I was 4 at a wedding! And I was hardly ever attracted to men at the age of 10, and always imagined me with a woman and me being the male of the relationship. And now all my friends know me as Dave, the teachers even call me Dave - most the time - and it's so much better!
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posted over a year ago 
iLoveOscar said:
Im female and I'm bisexual. I starting getting weird fantasies of me and my best friend, so I told my friend online, we experimented and yeah, i realized Im bisexual. Although I mainly lean towards girls. There is something about them. I've never had a boyfriend, so I've only had experience with females, which can also alter my attraction.
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posted over a year ago 
Seastar4374 said:
I'm Bisexual. One night I had my friend spend the night and we ended up playing truth or dare. We ended up finding out she was Bi too after this game, but anyway after that whole phiasco was over I was nearly asleep and she just crawled over to me and out of curiosity kissed me.
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posted over a year ago 
deathbyblood44 said:
I am female and I have no idea what I am. I don't seem to be attracted by physical beauty (but I do think people are pretty). Yet I do love someone's personality no matter the gender. I do have a celebrity crush on Amy Lee. *'.'* I do not know what this make's me. I also have a tone of homo and bi friends. I don't know if this has effected my opinion or not. I just don't know and am scared of becoming gay and my dad not excepting me.
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posted over a year ago 
CrimsonDeath14 said:
im transgender my inner gender is male but on outside it female,anyway i always figured dat was normal cuz my first crush was in kindergarden and it was a girl named machelle and she thought i was a boy with long hair cuz i would do only wat the other boys would do and only wear my brothers clothes.but ppl started to see that im a girl by the time we hit 4 grade(cuz of puburty)everybody was so confused and so was i,i thought i was a boy but then i was told i wasnt.i asked my parents and explained the situation but they got so mad cuz they r homophobic(or so i thought)i was only allowed to wear skirts and dresses and have friends that r girls and only be in realashinships with boys,but then i found out later that my mom is a lesbian and dad is bi(wow did not expect dat huh)so now im allowed to be wat i want and next year im going on hormone blockers and testosterone:Di got my heart shattered by my bestfrie d cuz she say she like me and i like her but i moved a realy long way and she say she only like realashonships where she can see the person!!and stoped talking to me...:,(
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posted over a year ago 
Congratulations! You're brave, dude! I wish I could be more like you. I was like that when I was little (boys clothes, boyish personality) and there were a bunch of straight girls who had crushes on me. But now I'm just confused...
Rebel4018 posted over a year ago
amaryllis_bleue said:
Hello, I think I'm pansexual.
I'm a teenage girl and I never really questioned my sexuality, I had a crush on different boys and there was girls that I was attracted to. But I I may be asexual and panromantic because I never had sexual fantasy about real boys and real girls, or maybe I'm just a late bloomer, I don't really know. I'm more focused about people's personality than their gender or aparence. It's like I "see" some people and other people are just potential friend for me but that's all. The people I "see" aren't the hottest or the prettiest, I'm just attracted to them, I want to be closer, to know them better. And I just don't see the other romantically...
I don't know any transgender but I think I could be attracted to them, if I "see" them, if we click. I think that, for me, it's more about an emotional attraction than a sexual attraction.
In reality, I don't know what I am but I think I had a crush on girls but I don't really know, I wanted to be closer to them, spend more time together,...
I never had a sexual attraction to anyone who is a real person so it's hard to tell. In truth, for me, love is love. I never was shocked when I saw two girls, two boys or a girl and a boy kissing. My only reaction was "Awwwww, they're so cute!".
I never felt the need to label myself, I mean, I'm just me and I love who I love, that's all. It's not like it ever felt important for me to know if I was straight, bi, lesbian, pansexual, asexual,... But I want to be able to answer truthfully when someone ask me what my sexuality is.
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posted over a year ago 
greengirl2213 said:
So honestly I'm still so confused abou my sexuality currently I'm in 10th grade and I'm really questioning my self, when my friends were getting interested in boys I honestly ha no intrests in either sex and to be truthful I was worried, but I let it go thinking I was a late bloomer. Then when I hit junior high I ""convinced"" myself to have crushes on guys but I never really did like them, thn when I hit high school girls started developing and I couldn't stop myself from staring and at the time I was positive I was straight so I would snap myself with a rubber band every time I stared like trying to break a bad habit but I still do it I can't stop then I had another ""crush"" which my friends pushed along and that's when we found out he liked me back and now I'm in a realtionship with him, but I'm not even sure if I really do like him. But I'm stuck because I'm not sure of my sexuality and I have no idea what to do and I really need help. I have no homosexual friends or bi friends to help me with this, but inhale one Internet friend that just recently came out but I'm too scared to ask her for help on figuring this out and I'm so so scared and confused someone please help me
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posted over a year ago 
TARDIS-Granger said:
i knew i was a lesbion sense i was only 12.I never liked real guys.i liked celeberties boys but only girl in real life.
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posted over a year ago 
Rebel4018 said:
When I was little, I had crushes on dudes, but I'm pretty sure that was just admiration. Girls are hot, they're gentle, they're just... They're beautiful. I've known completely since age eleven, but I always kinda knew. I've had so many crushes its not even funny... I remember watching mama Mia the first time in theaters, and just being infatuated with one of the girls in it. You guys probably dot even remember her, she was that one holding the ladder and then she dropped it during dancing queen and the guy on it fell over. But anyway, that's one example but there are so many more- like when I was in third grade and listened to this eighth grader sing (she wasn't even pretty, she had awful skin) and wanting to kiss her so bad. So yeah, I've known - but not really- for pretty much forever, I just sorta realized t when I was eleven.
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posted over a year ago 
notquitekaren said:
I think I'm somewhere between pansexual and demisexual, and I am female.
I never really crushed on people when I was younger, except celebrities. But then ~puberty~ hit and I actually started noticing people. I was raised in a pretty strict religion, so I never thought that I might be something other than straight. Recently I've been opened up to the fact that I don't believe in my religion as much as I used to, and that having other sexualities are okay. I haven't really felt a whole lot of sexual attraction to people, but I've had crushes on boys and girls and a person who identified as genderqueer.
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posted over a year ago 
kaboomgirl said:
i saw a girl, got a lady-boner, and realized boys were gross.
i think my brain just decided one day, "hey! you're gay!" and i rolled with it.
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posted over a year ago 
sMCCarthyTV said:
Well the origin of my gay orientation is kinda hard to explain but it all started when I was in 4th grade and only the boys students were assigned to watch a video about how the male body works. The video then showed a diagram of a penis getting erected. (It's not a real video of a penis of course it's just a diagram) I looked away from the video because I thought I was still at that age where I thought looking at sexual themed stuff was not okay. Then we were given a booklet of facts about the male body and I saw diagram of a penis. As I looked at the pictures I was kinda getting "curious" about it. One night I was on Wikipedia and I just typed in "men" in the search bar and the statue of David came up and I was just looking at it and getting another curious thought about it. I've also been having dreams of naked men not knowing what it was. Then when I was in 7th grade, I was at my house in my bedroom watching TV and I was my mother's laptop. I then had another curious feeling as I went back to Wikipedia and I typed in men again in the search bar and I picture of a real naked man came up and I looked away. But then I just took a tiny look at the penis of this naked man and then I typed in a bunch of stuff about the male privates and I was getting more and more into it. One night I was watching a commercial of Girls gone Wild and it showed a bunch of breast but they were all censored of course. I was looking at all the breast but none of it turned me on. It wasn't till I was in 9th grade when I've figured "I'm gay. No doubt about it!" So that's basically my origin story of my sexuality.
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posted over a year ago 
reachnora said:
I'm a female and I don't know my sexuality. I'm 26 and it's kind of sad bec I was trying to figure it out when I was 18. Can you help me with that?
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posted over a year ago 
anonimu9019182 said:
I'm so confused, I think I'm a lesbian but denying it. Im in highschool with a boyfriend who I care for but
when we kiss nnothing, hug nothing. No sparks. I met a girl a few years ago who became my best friend but from the moment we met I wanted something more. The first time I later eyes on her it was like the work stopped I became to care for her deeply and I though I loved her like a friend but when things went bad between us I realized I loved her. My brother and her have been dating for two years and it hurt me to much to be in the same room with them cause I just wanted her all to myself. But I have a attraction to guys vary little like I notice if there cute, but if a girls beutiful I notice every inch of them. When me and my friend drifted apart it felt like my heart was ripped out and it took me a year before I could stop crying myself to sleep over how much I missed her. I still do miss her but the attraction is gone. I fell hard for her. But I'm confused cause I've never fell for another girl like that before. A girl I met recently who is gay gave me a feeling kinda like that. I've never kissed a girl and I feel that's when I'll really know but my dad is a huge huge homophobic so I'm scared.

When did u first realize you were lesbian, I need help😣😦😶😫😫😓

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posted over a year ago 
I feel ya! It can be scary, and I (luckily) don't know what it's like to live with an unsupportive family, but I would definitely take a chance with her (or with another girl if she is not available). You'll never know who you are until you've put yourself on the line! It sucks about your dad though.. it's totally your call but honestly if I were in your shoes I'd hold off on telling him for now. Again though, it's your decision. Good luck to you, darling! <3
anaswill posted over a year ago
anaswill said:
Well I'm bisexual, although for a long time I thought I was heterosexual, and convinced myself the attraction I felt for women was just appreciation or jealousy even, and it took me a while to acknowledge that what I was feeling was on an entirely different level. So I was questioning for a while, whether I was really straight, gay, bi, demi, etc...

I'm always learning new things about myself, but at least at the moment I'm very confidently bisexual, leaning more towards girls than guys. In fact the only guys I'm really attracted to are the ones on TV, it's rare for me to have a crush on one in real life.
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posted over a year ago 
MewStrawberry said:
Well I'm actually bisexual myself.
For the first 19 years old my life I only ever felt attraction to guys. I've always been attracted to guys of course, but some time ago when I was 19 whenever I looked at girls I started finding them to look sexually pleasing and then I started having dreams of doing things to girls and kissing them. I think they're sweet, cute and beautiful. A girls body looks amazing. Now I admit I felt really weird at first. I thought it was just some weird phase I was going through, but I now realize it's not and that I am in fact bisexual and I get turned on more than ever by just looking at a really sexy girl. Only bad thing about it is that I come from a very religious family and I get condemned all of the time. I mean I'm still a Christian too, but I don't believe God should or would have anything against people having an attraction or a romantic relationship with the same sex. It's totally natural. I didn't wanna be bisexual. It just happened.
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posted over a year ago 
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