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LGBT Question

So...Any ideas on what to do?

I used to love being bi. Yeah, the best of both worlds, seems good to me, and i always felt confident about everything, not just sexuality. A month or so ago, me and my boyfriend broke off our relationship which i was devasted about but we're still close friends. A few days ago i got back to together with my ex (and friend) from a few years ago. (Who's not bi, but 100 percent lesbian) yes, i know it's been one month, but he's fine with it, and i feel happy with her. she can make me feel uncomfortable somtimes, when she thinks wwwaaayyy too far into the future, and when she gets our friends involve i cringe. But on the whole shes a fun, friendly person to be with.
Although i'm openly bi with most of my friends i'm not exactly "Out of the closet" no one but----me, her and a few close friends, and a few family members know, so coming out to the whole of the world to me is like signing a trip to death-row.
Plus, to make it worst, i'm not too sure i always feel comfortable with her because- she's so---forward. She's trying to plan loads of freaky plans for the future when honestly i just want to enjoy myself and think about the present. yes, i like her, but i wouldn't say i'm in love with her. i just want to enjoy myself and have a nice, happy relationship and she keeps saying if we're still together in 3 months i'm going to have to come out. HAVE TO COME OUT. as in, not on the internet, TO THE REAL WORLD. i paniced and thought "There's no way i'm ever doing that, i have to dump her!" But i couldn't bring myself to do It. firstly, after my 9 month relationship with my boyfriend Johnny, and then just a month later her, i would already look like a slut, without dumping her after a few weeks either. secondly, i'm totally worried about her reaction. last time we broke up, sparks flew. i really don't want to upset her again, and have a huge drama.....But i don't want to come out either....EVER. and she insists i should. and if i don't, i bet she's going to be p*ssed as hel
 pandawinx posted over a year ago
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LGBT Answers

RiderOfTempest said:
Well...I'm still very young, but I know that, as much as you don't want to, you'll have to come out sometime. :( And if your public about it....going out with your friend.... Ppl will make assumptions. Maybe you won't have to come out like...y'know tell everyone, maybe they already know.
Geez, i can't believe no one older has answered this....and I'm probably not much help either :( sorry
Think about it this way..... Its better to be hated for who you are, than to be loved for who your not. If people wanna hate, it's really their loss. And dont be afraid. What hurts you can only make you stronger. :)
Love being bi...again, and be proud of it. People will love you for it. I suggest thinking about it more....well coming out actually, but that's your choice.

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posted over a year ago 
Phantomxx said:
You are in a loving relationship. I get it, my girlfriend is always like "Who's gonna walk down the aisle if we're both girls" (Proud Pansexual). She sometimes make me worried because I don't like talking about like marriage and kids. But if you have to come out, do it with pride. That's the entire thing! LGBTQ+ PRIDE! Some people react differently, but, will telling people actually have to cost someone you love? Love is love isn't it? Sometimes you have to take risks for the ones you love. But love it's a great thing to hold onto. And I'm sure your parents, and your girlfriend are rooting for you.

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You are in a loving relationship. I get it, my girlfriend is always like "Who's gonna walk down the aisle if we're both girls" (Proud Pansexual). She sometimes make me worried because I don't like talking about like marriage and kids. But if you have to come out, do it with pride. That's the entire thing! LGBTQ+ PRIDE!  Some people react differently, but, will telling people actually have to cost someone you love? Love is love isn't it? Sometimes you have to take risks for the ones you love. But love it's a great thing to hold onto. And I'm sure your parents, and your girlfriend are rooting for you.
posted over a year ago 
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