Lost The Shape Of Things To Come *spoilers*

PkmnTrainerJ posted on Mar 28, 2008 at 04:24PM
So, discuss any spoilers for the upcoming episode here.

The press release is in the Links section - link

Whose episode do you think it is?

Lost 9 replies

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over a year ago curlsANDjeans said…
I think it is either Claires or Sawyers episode...
over a year ago jwhit720 said…
Ben or Sayid centric episode
over a year ago HannaK said…
I think that the body is from someone of the freigher, that is the most logic
over a year ago PkmnTrainerJ said…
Regina perhaps?
over a year ago marissa said…
Kind of random, but Claire looks so pretty! :P

I'm very excited for this episode, though :)

Who could Locke possibly be on the phone with?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago marissa said…
Wait, the last time we saw Regina, she was in chains.

Maybe the body is Charlie...? Mikhail ?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago scofield44 said…
Regina would have sunk to the bottom of the ocean, i think maybe mikhail. I reckon locke is on the phone to captain gault from the freighter
over a year ago rookyboy said…
Its gota be a ben or sayid episode but you never truley know with this show. I think this will be claires episode which is sad as it seem like next season will have few people from the orginal cast with the oceanic six leaving.
over a year ago marissa said…
I hope it's a Claire episode. Where has she been this season?

I really want to see her seem even a wee bit upset over Charlie. You've got to think, Island-time, he's only been gone a few days.

I mean, for us he's been gone for months, and I'm still mourning!