Lost Thoughts on "One of Us"

dave posted on Apr 12, 2007 at 06:27AM
Finally an episode that is worthy of the original reputation of LOST. I really enjoyed seeing Juliet's backstory and why she stayed on the island for so long. I kinda wanted to see Sayid beat up Jack when Jack was giving him attitude with all his "She's under my protection" talk. Sometimes I feel like he needs to be put in his place. And Sayid is my new favorite character on the show. I also have been finding that Sawyer's softer side has made me like him a lot more. Loved the ending of this episode too. The Others are coming back in a week and Juliet is a fraud. This is going to be fun...

Lost 9 replies

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over a year ago benji said…
Sayid > Locke > Ben > Ethan > *

Thus is the natural order of things, I've yet to watch the episode (I can't until it's uploaded, damn being British), but I've read the synopsis and I can't bloody wait.
over a year ago flutterly said…
Juliet > Sayid > Ben! Seriously, Sayid looked like a little kid when Juliet was through with him. I'm hoping that Juliet's going to end up double-crossing Ben.

Sayid's one of my new favorite characters too. I actually used to really like Locke, it's interesting how the show manages to throw the characters into different situations to reveal the different aspects of their personalities. (And apparently Locke only cares about 2 things: himself and blowing things up.)
over a year ago sfdude said…
Haha, nice one flutterly, so true, Locke seriously doesn't think about anyone but himself and he really does love to blow things up doesn't he? I still don't get how the island can effect pregnancies and what ever happened to Sun being pregnant? Did they just completely abandon that storyline? Shouldn't they be worried she might get sick and die too? Also, when is Claire going to be okay without the serum? When they leave the island? Because they should have been asking what they will do once that little case of serum runs out. Maybe Juliet could have said, oh no worries, we have an endless supply that will keep showing up in cases by the caves. Errr...
over a year ago benji said…
Juliet's the new wild card as well as Desmundo ^_^
over a year ago PkmnTrainerJ said…
Hmmm...Juliet's certainly an odd one.

See you in a week, means about three - four episodes in the Lost universe, which leads us to the finalé.
over a year ago thecon said…
I loved that episode. The perfect balance between answers to questions we've had like forever and new ones that need answering. I just saw the teaser for next weeks and I am in a constant state of arousal as I wait for that finale.

over a year ago benji said…
I was kidding about that comment in the episode by the way :P

Seriously? I think it's just another supply drop, I think confusion will ensue because they aren't meant to be 'out' of lockdown and a lot of chaos will occur.
over a year ago dave said…
Yeah kiwi! I've totally been wondering the same thing...I don't like how these characters just disappear. I wanna know more about why Rose is not sick anymore...
over a year ago PkmnTrainerJ said…
Damon & Carlton have said we will see them again this season, but they will not have a flashback episode.