Lost Who's the daddy?

thecon posted on Apr 12, 2007 at 07:13PM
We've been lucky this season. There have been many big reveals and answers to questions that we have been asking for a long, long time. But one thing remains, and I think it's gonna be key to the end of this season.

Who is the Father of Sun's baby?

I read many things at the time of her pregnancy being known and its not gonna be as simple as Jin. I was hoping for Michael, but he's gone now, so who's the Daddy?

Lost 17 replies

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over a year ago dave said…
I think it could still be her English tutor that she had the affair with. I'm pretty confident it isn't Michael. Do you really think it's going to be some twist?
over a year ago benji said…
Based on the timeline it is definately Jin or someone on the Island, I pray Sun hasn't been unfaithful, it'd ruin her character for me.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago PkmnTrainerJ said…
Day 44 - Thursday, November 4, 2004 is the date the raft left.

A very likely time for 'relations' and Sun found out she was pregnant on Day 60, giving her at least 16 days (assuming she had her period at least 14 days before last time) to realise that no period, and starting to get worried.

Thus she wanted the pregnancy test.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago thecon said…
Interesting..... watching a teaser the other day when sun said "... we would be burying another body" to Sawyer I thought that he was being revealed as daddy..... I'm preparing myself for some kind of uber shock.
over a year ago benji said…
Eww, Sawyer as the daddy, I'd say we can rule out everyone except Michael and Jin, and even Michael I'm horribly sceptical about.
over a year ago PkmnTrainerJ said…
You mean Jae Lee? And also, why did it not delay Claire's pregnancy?
over a year ago benji said…
The biggest question is, if it affects baby's on the island, why did it not affect Rousseau?
over a year ago maurageorge83 said…
Didn't Ben say he was born on the island? How was that possible if no woman is able to give birth there?
over a year ago thecon said…
Someone pointed out that Rousseau said she came to the island with Ben, but he said he's lived there all his life. But that's a whole other debate....
over a year ago benji said…
Rousseau came with her team, Ben wasn't on her team, Ben is related to Rousseau in no way aside from that he and the Others kidnapped Alex and he adopted her. They haven't been able to give birth as of late (IE: The last two decades or so), which I'm assuming is because of part of the purge :)
over a year ago flutterly said…
Rousseau was already several months pregnant by the time she got to the island.

Remember, Juliet said "it happens at conception," so that's why Claire and Rousseau didn't have any problems.

So if Jin is the father, then Sun's going to die unless they do something. But if she conceived off the island, then she'll be fine.
over a year ago davetay said…
It is disgusting to imagine Michael the traitor as the father.

I predict that the pregnancy deaths are related to someone's backstory not yet being revealed. That person on the island would have an issue about pregnant woman dying, keeps on thinking about it, and somehow maybe due to the island's power, it just happens.

Just like Walt's comic polar bear, Locke's willpower to walk, Jack's painful loss of his father etc
over a year ago PkmnTrainerJ said…
I don't think your theory has that much to back it up davetay.

And summary for D.O.C (which stands for date of conception by the way)

After discovering that all of “The Others’” pregnant women died before giving birth on the island, an extremely reticent Sun allows Juliet to examine her -- and uncovers the identity of the unborn child’s father. Meanwhile, Desmond allows an unlikely nemesis to help save the life of a new, mysterious island inhabitant.

So we'll find out soon.
over a year ago benji said…
I hate the whole 'Island is alive' theory, everything can be explained with logic and reason, and I just don't find that reasonable.
over a year ago thecon said…
I'm sure the father will be an islander... but maybe she has been impregnated artificially? Ethan strikes again.... could be revealed through flashback. That would open up a world of possibilities.... Ben even!
over a year ago blackzack said…
There is no way Michael is the father of Sun's baby. I think the odds that Sun cheated on Jin while he was away on the raft are very, very slim to none. Why would the writers do that? And there's no way she cheated on Jin while he was actually there on the island with her. Personally, I really don't see there being a huge twist to who the father of Sun's baby is... and all these crazy suggestions that guys like Michael and Sawyer might be the father are pretty rediculous. Just my two cents.
over a year ago Dominator said…
Heres mine...

I believe it to be.....


- I agree with Blackzack...I dont see anything major happening in the show with the whole 'DAD' of the baby...the birth on the other hand (or not) is the plot line...