Lost Season Finale (May contain Spoilers)

Rock_Smurf_77 posted on May 30, 2008 at 11:28AM
Just watched the season 4 finale and was just wandering what happened to the six or so people on the zodiac craft with Faraday. Were they moved with the island or just left floating around out in the ocean? Also do you think anyone on the freighter survived the explosion? Really just a forum topic to discuss the finale
last edited on May 30, 2008 at 11:30AM

Lost 17 replies

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over a year ago Rock_Smurf_77 said…
Well firstly i think the zodiac did get moved with the island as Penny's boat would have found it. Also i think some people got off the boat like Micheal because they would not just bring him back to kill him. Not sure about Jin though.
over a year ago doonis said…
I don't think Michael survived because Christian told him he could go now. But I think Jin may have survived. The raft probably moved with the island, because otherwise everyone on it is virtually dead.
over a year ago coolboy said…
yh i think micheal is dead, but Jin i dont know about, i think he must be dead too because he wouldnt have moved with the island and so would be stranded at sea and i dont believe the writers would have him abandoned.
do you think jack and the rest of the oceanic 6 will go back to island and save everybody? or even go back and due to time difference not let any of the bad things happen??
Bring on series 5.
over a year ago Rock_Smurf_77 said…
i think they will get back to the island but he will lose a lot of respect from the others and they may not like him. Also i think its quite good how the main people are off the island so now it could focus on the other smaller characters like Juliet or Faraday. Also were Rose and Bernard on the freighter when it blew up?
over a year ago grahamb said…
no rose and bernard didnt leave the island. i think michael is still alive, due to the appearance of christian shepard. he says "you can go now" and i think that somehow this appearance means the island is still not finished with him... so he survives to continue the work of the island
over a year ago coolboy said…
no way. when he says: 'you can go now' it means his work is done and that he is not needed anymore so he can now die (unlike when he tried to kill himself earlier in the series and failed every time due to the island not letting him). i dont want locke to be dead so i really hope they somehow save him from all the bad things before it kills him. how come he could leave the island when he wanted too? even ben couldnt do that when he was the leader of the others?
over a year ago marissa said…
As for the Zodiac, I don't think it was moved with the Island. The only important character (sorry extras...) on it, that I can think of, was Faraday. And I have a sneaking suspition the Faraday and Charolette story will turn into the new Desmond and Penny story. ...Or maybe that's just me loving that storyline and not wanting it to end! (Even thought I. am. so. happy!)

Anyhow, am I the only one thinking Michael could still be alive?
When Christian said, "you can go now", I took that to mean that he would take care of it, you know? Michael could go, he was safe.
And Hurley told Walt that Michael was one of the people they were trying to protect. Why would he say this is he knew Michael was dead?
over a year ago Rock_Smurf_77 said…
I agree with marissa when christian said you can go now i thought it meant he would take care of it which is why i have a feeling we have not seen the end of micheal.
over a year ago coolboy said…
but when he said 'you can go now' that only gave micheal about 2 seconds to leave the ship, as it blew up right after christian said it. i believe hurley said that to walt because he did not want to be the one to say his father was dead, and hurley does not know for sure if he is dead so kept walts hopes alive. i hope micheal isnt dead but i belive we're meant to belive he is.
over a year ago TriineA said…
Michael is dead. It's has been said in many interviews - The guy who plays Michael (Sorry, can't remember his name) said that he is very upset with the fact that Michael and Walt didn't get to 'work things out'. I don't know about Jin, I hope he's alive - and have no idea what is going to happen to Faraday, maybe he picks up Jin? ;D
over a year ago HannaK said…
Yes, Michael is dead, I think that the raft moved with the island, Jin's probably dead, but I won't believe it until I actually see his dead body, so now I'll just assume that he's just enjoying a swim in the ocean.
over a year ago Rock_Smurf_77 said…
lol thts a gd point, i hope jin does survive. However if you watch the explosion again and pause right before the explosion you can see there is no one on the boat. This maybe just be because of the production (and they can't actually blow up a boat full of people) but don't forget the major element of this series has been time difference so maybe evryone got off the freighter.
over a year ago coolboy said…
i doubt it. in the episode (cant remember the name) when ben wakes up in the desert with his cut arm and men with guns pointing them at him, is this just after he has moved the island? In the finale when he's turning the lever he does walk into a bright light and it seems to all fit as he is definetly teleported. Apart from the facts that its about 2 months into the future and he knows sayid and everyone got off the island?just thought someone could tell me and clear that up for me.
over a year ago Rock_Smurf_77 said…
Yes I reckon it is after he moves the island that ben is in the desert because he is wearing the coat.
over a year ago csi_lost_fan33 said…
I think the Zodiac with Dan is still in the ocean, I don't think it moved. And I think Jin jumped off the boat, since he was close to the edge, and he will end up with Dan on the Zodiac. I think Michael is dead, I thought it was time for him to go seeing that he did what he went to do, help his friends, but I strongly believe Jin is alive.

I was wondering what happened to Dan when all the things were going on, I remembered he was still out there, and with the boat exploding and the island gone I thought 'uh oh, poor Dan!'
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Rock_Smurf_77 said…
I just thought just because they moved the island dusnt mean the mini island tht jack, kate nd sawyer were held on moved. I reckon tht is where Faradya , the survivors nd maybe jin will go cus then there will be two islands with survivors on>
over a year ago marissa said…
I never really though of Jin and Faraday ending up together, but that makes sense! I hope that's what ends up happening.

As for Michael being dead... that sucks, lol. I'm bummed (like the actor) that he and Walt never got to work things out. Does anyone know if Walt will be in season five? I hope so.