Lost Thoughts on The Man Behind the Curtain

dave posted on May 10, 2007 at 06:49AM
HOLY COW! I was NOT ready for what happened tonight. That whole thing with Jacob just weirded me out. I'm still trying to decide whether it was cool that someone was actually there, or it was too much of a stretch. I was beginning to think the explanation for the Island was a scientific and logical one, but now it looks like there's more proof of a supernatural explanation. It was very interesting to see Ben's childhood and why he is such a disturbed human being. When he gassed his father right in the van with him it pretty much sealed the fact that he's a complete nutjob. When he was talking to the empty chair I thought he was completely off his rocker. It was really cool that John could hear him...not so cool that he got shot. Do you guys actually think he's going to die? That would be a huge shocker. The one thing that confused me is how Richard Alpert could not have aged at all. I think he's supposed to have aged from the time Ben was a child to today, so I'm going to assume it was just a poor effort on the part of the makeup team to make him look a lot younger with the long hair or much older in the present day.

Lost 13 replies

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over a year ago xmomijix said…
U're right about Richard Alpert. I dunno why he have not aged at all... kinda wierd! but remember... someone ( don't remember who) said that Ben's not the "real Leader". Keep it in mind!
over a year ago Cris said…
Well, they already said that Jacob was the one Ben answered to- Jacob(though the Jacob character is actually freaky and confusing) so I guess that answers the question of who the 'leader' might be. The Richard thing??? No clue. And now, I'm starting to wonder who these "natives" are...the group Richard Alpert was on. Suggestions?
over a year ago fawkes716 said…
Locke is not dead! I think that since "Jacob" said help me to Locke he will save Locke so that Locke canhelp jacob.
Or im just in denial.
And Ben is a PSYCHO!
over a year ago danrowe said…
I sure hope Locke is not dead......his role is vital in Lost.......
He only shot him once...i'm sure he will not die....
As for Ben.....well...he is just off his head.....ok maybe his dad deserved it......but he had no remorse for all of his friends that he help to kill.....
Maybe him and Hurley can make a Psyche Ward Reunion Party..... :P
And is it just me or did the boy Ben look shockingly like Harry Potter......genius :)
over a year ago grahamb said…
Lets be honest, lockes story has pretty much been tidied up now, we know how he became wheelchair bound and he now no-longer has his father to worry about, im not sure how much further they can take locke as a character, and at the same time give him an intruiging past story.... so my money is on him kicking the bucket. as sad as it is... but thats life on lost...
over a year ago PkmnTrainerJ said…
Locke could die, we do need more deaths, and his story is all tied up.

He wasn't shown in previews for next week either.
over a year ago Sandiblonde said…
Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't Richard Alpert the one who 'recruited' Juliette to the island? I'm pretty sure that was old news, but it is a strange connection.
Do you think that the island and it's original inhabitants -the hostiles, are kept youthful somehow, which is why Richard doesn't seem to be aged? My husband thought that they were actually dead or something and that is why the Dharma Initiative was observing them. That's a crazy thought!
Also, the Ben/Jacob scene was nuts!! I do think that there is some supernatural power going on because Ben was thrown at the wall at one point. Alex's boyfriend was being brainwashed in a room in a previous episode. The screen in front of him said something like 'God loves you as he does Jacob'. Would that be the Jacob from this episode or in relation to the Bible Jacob? Throw me a line on this one!
This is a weird post, but at times Lost can be just the same...
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over a year ago benji said…
Part of me would never have thought I'd want Locke to die, but right now I'd be happy for it to happen, he's gone from interesting mysterious double-edged man to a just outright badass with no real explanation. It's not good writing.

Ben can just kill everyone for all I care, so long as he's a badass in doing it as he always is ^_^
over a year ago iznogud said…
After seeing this picture from "Jacob": link - dunno why, but I've remembered a very old episode when Locke is at this little "hippie" community... I don't have the episode anymore but maybe someone there is now with the others? Jacob? I'm probably crazy, but, well, not as crazy as this last episode, which unfortunatelly I think sucked big time! It appears to me that the writters are trying to do some crazy stuff to shock us and keep us with this big interrogation point over our heads while they try to figure out how to save a decadent show. I just hope they prove me wrong in the next episode. By the way, this is my first comment here, I'm from Brazil and I'm very happy I can watch Lost here, or else I'd have to wait the brazillian cable broadcasting to catch up... C ya..!
over a year ago goalstopper said…
to answer one of kiwi's question the van door would do nothing because the others were already dead at the camp. and that would do nothing to open the door.

i used to like locke in season 1 and 2 but he has gone crazy first he blew up that house and the submarine. i am sort of glad he is gone. although now there is no one to fight with jack about to do next.
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over a year ago thecon said…
I think Locke is gonna survive. The question is how? He does still have a purpose.... his communion with the island, he understands it and respects it. If anything, now that he has all the backstory out of the way, his focus, his drive, his determination will all be centred on the island. This is the one thing he has unfinished..... his story is not over.

(Also, if they were going to kill him then he would have died there and then, and this is much more effective.)

In short, cliffhanger dying scene = surviving character

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago benji said…
What people seem to forget, is that just because someone's story seems over doesn't mean they will die, just that they can. They have plenty of the Others backstories to fly through so it's not like they'll be lacking in people to tell the pre-modern stories of. Plus, let's face it, as many episodes as we've seen of Jack, they still manage to churn out more, and with every one I die a little inside ¬_¬
over a year ago Niwdog said…
The reason Locke didn't die in that episode was because there were no reported deaths for that episode, but only for "Greatest Hits," so the opening scene for Episode 21 could just be watching JOhn Locke die :P just to save charlie

On the other hand, Locke will survive, because Locke shot him in the left kidney :P Ironically, Locke is missing. But the fact that he's bleeding could kill him. What a great ending for this episode, but I also thought it was majorly hyped, and was disappointed by the Flashback story. It left a lot of questions for me, such as what happened to Annie? Why didnt Richard age? How did he switch roles for Ben to become the leader and not him, or is he really the leader? Oh and Jacob the telekinetic invisible man...the questions I got for him are billions. He was initially going to be introduced at the end of this Season's Finale, and Ben's flashback story would have been much longer - now we got a crappy Jack back from a character who isn't Jate (Jack + Kate) or fate, but is in fact KACK (Kate + Jack) - You work it out. Oh and Kack means shit, poop, faeces, remains, waste!
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