Lost Biggest Lost Diappointments?

marissa posted on Jun 29, 2008 at 12:05AM
I was reading a thread like this on another forum and thought it would be cool to bring it to Fanpop.

Basically, what is your biggest disapointment in Lost? The few things you'd want to tell the writers to go back and try again.

Personally, a big one for me is this: Locke and Boone spend a good part of the first season trying to open the hatch. We're all left on the edge of our seats waiting to find out what's down there. It's good tv. But then every time we find another Dharma staion, the Losties just walk in... nothing to it. There's even another door into The Swan that they just over looked... It seems like that whole, long ride was pointless. Not to mention Boone's and Arzt's deaths.

Also, the "sickness". I mean, it's fake, it's real, it's fake, it's real... what's up with that?

And Danielle never having a flashback. Now, that's just not fair!

The cages were another. I just wasn't a fan of them. Or, rather, how long Sawyer and Kate were there. I got bored of it, quick.

And "Stranger in a Strange Land". I hated that episode.

Anyways, what about everyone else? Disapointments? Things you wished were changed?

(And, please, let's play nice. Just because someone doesn't like something doesn't mean we have to be offended, lol)

Lost 22 replies

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over a year ago courtney7488 said…
I agree about Danielle never having a flashback. I'm still annoyed that Libby didn't get one either, especially after they showed her in the mental institution. I'm still hoping that we can get flashbacks of both of them (possibly through Miles, our ghost buster friend).

I'm not a fan of the whole "move the island" storyline. I really wish the writers hadn't gone down that route.
over a year ago api said…
Yeah, Libby should definitely have a flashback, although they said she'll have one, because her story's really important...

Anyway, I didn't like Charlie's death. I mean, how can you just "kill" one of the most popular characters??? And, as courtney7488 said, the whole "move the island" situation is way too science fiction-ish (for me, at least). However it will make it more difficult for the Oceanic 6 to come back, which will be great to see. Besides this, there were episodes like "Stranger in a strange land" that were completely meaningless.
The truth is that LOST is a one of the greatest shows in tv, but, like every show it has some dissapointments.
over a year ago Giovanni_wasto said…
Charlie's death was brilliant TV! I can't believe people still haven't got over it. What a way for your favourite character to die - trying to save everyone else.

I was disappointed when, during Season 2, Jack dramatically asked Ana Lucia, "How long do you think it would take to raise an army?". I thought that would be an awesome storyline, and that there'd be some massive island-battle between them. But no, it jsut fizzled out - two episodes later, everyone had forgotten about it. The same happened a few episodes later, when Sawyer conned everyone and took the guns. He announced, "There's a new sheriff in town - y'all best get used to it". WOW - Sawyer's the leader now - what will his regime be like? No, everything stayed pretty much the same except that Jack had to ask Sawyer for a gun every time he went into the jungle. There were a few too many dramatic endings to episodes which weren't followed up on.

Of course, the number 1 disappointment is split between the first 4 episodes of season 4 and Lost: Via Domus.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Ressay said…
Stranger In A Strange Land Was The Worst LOST Episode That There Always Will Be!
over a year ago HannaK said…
The whole 'how long would it take to raise an army' was a bit weird, they never talked about it again in the show.

In season 2, when we met the tailies, I thought: could be great, some new people will do the show good but then Ana got two flashbacks and right after that she got shot, seemed pretty useless to me. The same thing with Eko, two flashbacks (that I didn't find that exciting for some reason) and then he dropped dead.

The Tempest was quite dissapointing too, there were just a lot of machines and Daniel was typing a lot of things and then suddenly the station was harmless.

And I agree, some episodes (and then especially the flashbacks) like 'Stranger in a Strange Land' and 'Expose' seemed a bit useless to me.

I also got a bit tired of the Kate and Jack scenes in season 2, it all seemed like a lot of talking about nothing. (but maybe I'm not really objective, I am after all, for Skate)

These are, I think, the main dissappointments, the rest was pretty awesome.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Giovanni_wasto said…
I don't mind the episodes that don't affect the show too much - as long as they're well acted and scripted, they're fine once every so often (think SOS or most of Season 1). Also, I really enjoyed Eko's three centric episodes - especially The Cost of Living, which is one of my favourite ever episodes thanks to the brilliant ending in which we see a completely different side to the monster for the first time.

If anything, when they try to make the story go too fast for its own sake is the worst moments in Lost. I think having 16 episodes in a season is a terrible decision, because it meant that the first half of season 4 was way too rushed. It's like they've got the same amount of material but rushed it into 16 (or 13) episodes. Episodes 1,2,3,4,6 and 8 were all fairly bland. Then again, 5,7,9,10,11,12 and 13 were totally awesome except the end of Cabin Fever - what the hell was with that? They name an episode after a cabin, spend 40 minutes looking for it and then Locke spends 2 minutes inside it and still never meets Jacob.
over a year ago courtney7488 said…
^I agree about the shortened season. Season 4 definitely was not my favorite season. The only episodes that really stand out for me are episodes 2, 5, and 9- the rest were just OK compared to episodes from previous seasons. Even the season finale wasn't as great as the other season finales. That being said, season 2 is actually my least favorite season. Most of season 2 was pretty forgettable, and Ana Lucia is probably the worst character to ever appear on the show.
over a year ago marissa said…
:O I liked Ana Lucia! lol. But I know I'm, like, that only one on the planet who does. I actually didn't mind season two at all. In fact, I liked it. It wasn't as exciting as season one, or as action-packed as season four, but... hey, at least there were no cages! (...oh man, I hate the cages...)

I was also bummed about that army thing. I mean, if you're going to start a storyline, at least go somewhere with it, right? Same with the Sawyer thing, that never amounted to anything, but it had potentiel.

I mean, we spend a zillion episodes with Kate and Sawyer in a cage pretty much just watching them get beat up or "doing it", but we didn't get to see the sickness? the army? the "new sheirf in town"? the magic box? what Dhramas about?

...come on.
over a year ago courtney7488 said…
^What Sawyer thing?

I totally agree about the cages- they spent way too much time on that. That storyline could have been finished in two or three episodes instead of six. Out of those six episodes, the only scenes that were good (in my opinion) were the ones that involved Ben and/or Juliet... the rest were very boring and pointless.

I think that things like Dharma and the sickness will be brought up again. Those definitely cannot be ignored. They still have three years to show on the island and, according to Locke, a lot has happened in those three years. We may find out that Dharma caused the sickness (just speculating here...), and maybe the sickness affects people on the island (could be the "bad things" Locke was talking about).
over a year ago marissa said…
You're probably right :) ^

The "Sawyer thing" was when he stole all the guns (season one). He and Charlie conned everyone by kidnapping Sun and making everyone think it was the Others, then Sawyer had Kate thinking it was Ana Lucia. I'm pretty sure it was in "The Long Con". Anyways, at the end of the episode Sawyer ended up with all the guns and told everyone there was "a new sherif in town". ...but that whole thing seemed to fizzle. Jack and Locke were deffiantly still in charge and ended up with the guns back anyways.
over a year ago HannaK said…
I was also a bit dissapointed by the end of Cabin Fever, I really was looking forward to the big 'Jacob/John showdown' but all you got was Christian saying he shouldn't waste time and come right to the point, I expected more.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago emzielouise said…
I was disapointed with the whole hatch imploded thing they made such a big deal of before saying if they dont push the button the world would end, all that happened was Desmond got psycic powers and Eko went for a chat with a bear and then the storyline kind of dissapeared.

Also season 4 being so short sucks. I agree about the cabin fever ending very disapointing we have been hearing about jacub for two seasons and we still haven't seen him.

Plus i think there are so many unanswerd questions the writers have lost track of them, we still dont why the polar bears are there or what the smoke monster is. They also never answerd how locke's dad got to the island and why he said he was dead before sawyer killed him.

Plus i really didn't like the fact the others can just come and go whenever they want it took away some of the mysteries of the island.

Also the terrible accents esspecially british ones being british myself i know they are dreadfull no one talks like that.
over a year ago marissa said…
Oh yeah, the "magic box". I think half the people have forgotten about that by now... and they still haven't answered it, or even brought it up, have they?
over a year ago api said…
(marissa, you're not the only one that likes Ana- Lucia... I do too, and she's my sister's favourite character... She hates Michael for killing her..)

We actually know why there are polar bears, DHARMA brought them to examine them.

When the producers decide to do an episode that is not so important for the story (like SOS, Expose...) they have to be extra careful, because it's very easy for the audience to hate it. These episodes are great as a way to relax the audience from the fast plot, but some of them are actually lame... I mean, who cares about what Jack did in wherever-he-was in episode "stranger in a strange land"?? It wasn't interesting at all!!!! While Expose had a great story and an amazing ending.

And the whole "Jacob" thing, the "wizard" that controlls everything but can't be seen or heard is starting to get on my nerves.

I hope the producers won't disappoint us when it'll be time to reveal the secrets...
over a year ago Channon108 said…
I think the biggest disappointments are Shannon's Death(that's one of the reasons why I hate analucia!!!!!!!)
not enough answers about the mysteries in the show lost.
Analucia freaking out in the episode collision
Ethan's death was too soon.(the losties needed answers from him.)
not enough tension,fighting,hostility,and action between the losties and the others.
not enough answers about Shannon and Boone.
Most of the time,Season 2 focused on the dramas of the losties,it didn't focus much on the conflicts between the others and losties,dharma,the island as much as the drama.
So,my fellowe losties, tell me what you think of what I just typed,do you agree with me on this?
Any answers are welcome.
i think the biggest mistake and probably the only mistake the writers have made was killing of Shannon!She's my favorite character and I want her story to continue!!!!!!!!!!!!

over a year ago similzy said…
Well i was really angry in season1 when Locke and Boone found the hatch and Boone died.And then the hatch imploded and Boone died for nothing!!

That brings us to Desmond who got psychic powers and saw Charlie`s death and he also died.And Claire never came back home with a helicopter as desmond said, but she was left on the island in a cabin with her father.I was happy with her new storyline but i`ll have to wait till 2010 to see it:(

I `m not a big fan of the cages too.And season 2 and Jack`s tatoo.It was really a pointless flashback!

I agree about Danielle`s episode! We really need one!
over a year ago marissa said…
Also, when Mr. Ek dies and he says "you're next" or whatever.
What was that about?
It never came to anything!
Well... mayb eyou could say he meant Nikki and Paulo were gunna die, but how would he know that? And why would he have told Locke that?

Anyways, they were cool last words, but they didn't make any sense.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago PotterGal said…
Hmm..well i have a few.
- Danielle not getting a flashback is something i really HATE. I found her character really interesting.
- I just generally hated that episode "Expose" with Nikki and Paulo. Seriously, i thought it was so boring.
- At the beginning of Season 3 i thought that Kate and Sawyer trapped in those cages went on for way too long.
- The magic box...yeah, WHAT in the world was up with that?!
- Also, i dunno, i didn't like the way Mr.Eko died...maybe that's just me but i just didn't like it at all. It was such an ubrupt ending for his character - a little too abrupt maybe.
over a year ago marissa said…
Another thing that always kind of bugged me: How does Sun know anything about gardening? How did she know what to use to stop Shannon's asthma attack? She grew up rich and privilged. She probably never touched dirt in her life! lol
over a year ago sfj said…
I agree on the cages part...a lot of waisted tv time just for Sawyer and Kate to "do it"! Danielle's Flashback is also a matter of question. But i would also like to see a Richard Alpert flashback...
over a year ago Giovanni_wasto said…
Boone didn't die for no reason. He died so Locke would become more determined to open the hatch, so they would open it and find Desmond, who would gain psychic powers when the hatch imploded so that Charlie could die at the right time and contact Penny and disable the Looking Glass so that the Oceanic 6 could leave. So indirectly, Boone's death meant pretty much everything.
over a year ago marissa said…
Wow, Giovanni, I never thought of it like that!