Lost Season Five Predictions

marissa posted on Sep 18, 2008 at 01:46PM
All right, so Lost is still a long ways off, and with all the new shows coming back on, it's just killing me :(

But there is a silver lining in having to wait a few extra months for everyone's favourite castaways to come back... we still get to guess what's coming next!

Wait... we have to guess what's going on even when the show's on, don't we? :P

Anyways, I figured we needed a spot to discus our preditions for the (very...) long awaited Season Five. NO SPOILERS, PLEASE.


For instance, who will get the first episode? What will the first scene be? Is it a flashforward, or flashabck?

Who's breaking up this season? Getting together? Juliet and Dan, anyone? :P

Who do you think will die next? Anyone you think we'll see again? (Please, no spoilers... or at least warn us!)

And what's up with Claire? Will we finally see Jacob? Who is he? Will we figure out the"magic box", perhaps?

Where's Dan on the Zodiac? Is he the only one to survive? Is Jin okay? Will Dan pick him up? Is Dan the "cameraman"?

What's up with Scott/Steve??

Was Charlotte really born on the Island? Who are her parents? Adam and Eve, maybe?

How does Locke die? Why does he change his name? Does he do a good job leading the Others? Where is the Temple? What's up with Richard Alpert?

Who can and can't time travel?

Will Ben have Penny killed? Will he make Sayid his hitman? Will he do it? Will Desmond save her?

Will we see more of Widmore? What about Hanso and the DeGroots? Mr. Paik? What about Sun and new kickass-ness?

Will we see Cassidy again? Clementine? Will Kate find them? Will Sawyer ever see his daughter? Does Cassidy know the money was from Sawyer?

Will we find out any more about the numbers? What abou the bird that screeched Hurley's name in Season One? Will he see anymore dead people? Why does he see them? Why hasn't he seen Libby? ...has he?

Will we find out what the Smoke Monster is? How Ben controls it? Why it takes on so many different forms?

Will Ben get back to the Island? Why can't he come back? I shte Island moved phyiscally or in time? Or both?

Will Claire and Aaron be reunited? Will Jin ever meet Ji Yeon? Will Ji Yeon, Clementine and Aarone ever meet? (Lostie Day Care!)

Will Jack have a better relationship with Aaron? Kate?

Who killed Nadia? Why?

And most importantly: DO THEY GET BACK TO THE ISLAND?


Okay, Lost Fans, let's hear it :)

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over a year ago marissa said…
Okay, so here are my thoughts:

The first episode will be Sawyer-centric. He'll be on the Island, but we won't know that at first. They always make the first scene something confusing...

Dan will save Jin.

I'm not really sure if it'll be flashbacks or flashforwards... I'm thinking it'll be neither, that the show will go from on-Island to off-Island... but that doesn't really make sense, does it?

Anyways, I'm thinking Juliet takes Sawyer and the gang to the Temple or something, and that's how we see what's going on there.

And Sawyer probably makes another attempt to find Claire. Maybe with Bernard, Charlotte and Miles or something.

And I think Adam and Eve are Charlotte's parents. It kind of makes sense, right?

Also, I think that the whole show is some kind of time-loop. I bet that the last scene of the seris will be Jack waking up in the jungle and the whole thing will just repeat itself again.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago similzy said…
I also think that Sawyer will get the first episode.And the first scene...Last season was mangoes so this season bananas maybe? Lol. There will definately be flashbacks and present and flashforwards and i am confused now.

I like the idea of Dan and Charlotte being together.

Claire`s in the cabin with Jacob and i hope she will appear in at least couple of episodes.

Never thought about Adam and Eve as Charlotte`s parents but it`s a good idea.

I also think Penny will be killed, i don`t want her to die, but lost proved that there are not many happy endings for couples.And it will bring more to the rivalry between Ben and Des

I`d like for Cassidy to come back in season 5 but i don`t think she will.

And i agree that the last scene will be with Jack waking up in the jungle and that everything will repeat itself.
over a year ago marissa said…
I'm worried that Desmond and Penny won't have a happy ending... remember that woman told Desmond that he wouldn't spend the rest of his life with her when was trying to buy the ring in "Flashes Before Your Eyes"?

...but I'll be so bummed if they don't!!