Lost What's Your Excitement Level?

papa posted on Jan 21, 2009 at 04:44PM
Mine is currently:

simmering anticipation

It will escalate to:

rabid passion in the commercial break right before the show starts

What about you?

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over a year ago Rock_Smurf_77 said…
Mine is literally OFF THE CHARTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And i have to wait an extra day as i am in the uk!!!!
over a year ago courtney7488 said…
big smile
At the moment, my excitement level is fairly low, but I'm sure it will skyrocket right before I start to watch it.
over a year ago Emm_xD said…
Same as Rock_Smurf_77, i'm in the UK so unfortunately i can't watch it until tomorrow! But i'm still sooooo excited! <3
over a year ago PkmnTrainerJ said…
I have to wait until tomorrow too, but I'm rewatching S4 at the moment. Ji Yeon next. I have watched all the seasons in the run up over this past week. I can't get more excited.
over a year ago want2watcheroes said…
big smile
I just watched episode one online, trying to find good episode two. Can't wait!