Lost Why is Sun mad at Ben?

Earthgirl13 posted on Feb 06, 2009 at 09:53PM
Why is Sun mad at Ben? She should be mad at Keamy unless someone told her that Ben killed Keamy, knowing it would make the boat explode.I think that Locke told her to get her to come back to the island.

Lost 8 replies

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over a year ago Giovanni_wasto said…
I think you're right - Locke saw Ben kill Keamy and presumably told Sun about it (not necessarily to get her to come back to the island, maybe more to get it off his conscience).
over a year ago Earthgirl13 said…
OK, let me rephrase that. I think that Locke told her so that she would look for Ben and then Ben could get the chance to get her back to the island by proving that Jin was still alive.
over a year ago TmoVie_obsessed said…
finally! i have been confused about why sun wanted to kill ben and haven't been able to figure it out. now it makes sense. what I'm wondering is if sun needs to go back to the island, what'll happen to her daughter? they only have a certain amount of time to go and her kid's back in Korea, will she just have to leave without her kid??
over a year ago Earthgirl13 said…
I doubt she'll leave without Ji Yeon. In fact, I don't think they'll return to the island until season 6 so she'll have plenty time to get her kid.
over a year ago HannaK said…
But why the 70 hours time limit then?
over a year ago Earthgirl13 said…
Maybe, they will spread it out. Like 24 is a day? I don't know, that's kind of crazy.
over a year ago HOTPINKLOVER92 said…
what i dont understand is y jack all of a sudden turned around and started working with ben. i have a question...
did Locke die after he turned the wheel to get off the island or what and who is that guys sun that was helping Locke get to the wheel.
is his sun Jack??????
over a year ago Earthgirl13 said…
Jack worked with Ben because his life is crap and he thinks that if he works with Ben and goes back to the island he will get his life together. Locke did not die after turning the wheel. He talked to the Oceanic 6 first. Yes, Jack is his son.