Lost Aaron?

Earthgirl13 posted on Feb 19, 2009 at 04:21PM
What do you think happened to Aaron?

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over a year ago dave said…
I think Kate probably put her up for adoption or something? Or maybe she gave him to her mom. So many possibilities. She seemed pretty upset about it though.
over a year ago dave said…
Oh or maybe she left the baby with Claire's mom.
over a year ago Earthgirl13 said…
My mom and dad and I were watching it last night and when Jack said "Where's Aaron?", my mom said, real serious, "Ohhh Jesus, she killed him too." Seriously, I think that she gave him to Claire's mom and explained everything to her. Do you know if they're gonna bring Claire back?
over a year ago Sunshine47 said…
That's my theory that she gave up Aaron to Claire's mom or that maybe someone kidnapped him to motivate Kate to go back to the Island.
over a year ago Rock_Smurf_77 said…
I think Claires Mum is too obvious i think he might have been given to Cassidy as she is the mother of sawyers baby and they have supposedly been in contact. Also Jack would not be able to find him!
over a year ago Earthgirl13 said…
I really don't think someone kidnapped him. Kate would be raising hell.
over a year ago courtney7488 said…
^Agreed. At first, I was worried that he would be left alone or something, but I've realized that Kate would most likely gave him to someone whom she trusts.

However, I'm wondering if he will ever have to return to the island like everyone else?
over a year ago marissa said…
I really have no clue what happened to Aaron, but Kate seemed pretty upset about it. Maybe she did give him to Cassidy so Jack wouldn't find him. But still, she seemed very distraught, like something bad had happened.

Now, if they have to "recreate" the crash as best they can, remember that Aaron wasn't really there originally, he hadn't been born yet. Do you think there's another pregnant woman on the plane?
over a year ago courtney7488 said…
^Some people are speculating that Kate is now pregnant with Jack's baby.
over a year ago Earthgirl13 said…
^What people?

over a year ago courtney7488 said…
^Fans on various websites. I've read the "Kate is pregnant" theories on a couple of websites over the last day or so.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago amy_x_ben said…
I don't think Kate would've given Aaron up for adoption, or he was kidnapped. I thought that Aaron was one of the O6 and had to go back? (although Mrs. Hawking wasn't really pushing that point to far, hmmm...). I think she gave him to someone else like Claire or Claire's mom (too obvious) but I honestly have no idea where Kate would allow Aaron to go...