Lost Why didn't Sun flash? Why wasn't Sayid with the others?

marissa posted on Mar 19, 2009 at 07:46PM
All right, so as we all know, at the end of 316 while five of the Oceanic Six where headed back to the Island on board an Ajira plane, there was a white flash just before the plane actually crashed. We know that Jack, Kate, and Hurley all ended up together, near (or in) the lagoon where Sawyer and Kate swam in Whatever the Case May Be (and later where Nikki and Paulo swam in Expose).
What we don't know it what made these three special or different from Sun and Sayid? Why did they end up safe and sound and together?

And where the heck were Sayid and Sun, anyways?

At the beginning of The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham Ilana told the newly-reserected Locke that she saw the pilot and a woman take a boat and leave the smaller, Hydra Island, and head for the main one.
What most of us assumed was comfirmed in Namaste - Sun was the woman who went with Lapidus in the outrigger.

But why didn't she flash along with the Jack, Kate, and Hurley? As we know, she, along with the other crash surviors (minus the rest of the O6) are still in the present. We can assume the others didn't flash because the Island didn't need them like it needed the O6... but why didn't it need Sun? If it was so important that they all come back, why was she left out?
Could it be that the Ilsand somehow "knows" about her connection with Widmore? Is Widmore really the evil mastermind Ben would have us believe he is? If Widmore would actually put the Island in danger, is that why Sun didn't flash? Is the Island punishing her? Or just protecting itself?

While we're on the topic of Sun, did anyone else notice that in Namaste she, Frank, and Ben we the only ones with cuts on their faces? Sun's cuts were all on one side ofher face - could that mean something?

Now for Sayid. As of Namaste we know that he did flash back to the '70s, but not with Jack, Kate, and Hurley. Jin found him wandering around in handcuffs after he tripped an alarm. After Radzinski found out, LaFleur was called and was forced to treat Sayid like a hostile (whereas the others were lucky enough to be part of the Dharma Initiative). Sayid was smart enough to keep his mouth shut and not ask questions as Jin and Sawyer kept their act up in front of the Swan-model-building Radzinski.
But why did Sayid end up away from the group? Again, what made those three special?

Will Sun end up back in the '70s? Will Sayid's secret be discovered? ...And where the heck is Dan??
last edited on Mar 19, 2009 at 07:48PM

Lost 3 replies

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over a year ago xDHmadx said…
All EXCELLENT questions ... none of which i had the answer too ... if i did i'd sleep so much better at night ... LOL
over a year ago sahour95 said…
I was asking the same questions I came up with sth but I'm not sure.
Now I don't know why Sun id left behined but sth came on my mind ,Jin told Lock NOT to bing sun back and Lock gave him his word but of course Ben told her to come back after he killed Locke and took Jin's wedding ring.Does that mean that Sun shouldn't have came back?It's not a good reason but we could think about it.There's sth that's weired too,why Lock (I mean his body)Didn't flash with the rest the island defnetly needed him or he wouldn't be a life again,so he must have an important roul in the present.
However,Dan went back on the sub most likely to do his research about time travle in Oxford.
Now I have no idea why Sayeid didn't end up woth Kate,Jack,and Horley,or why they are so speicial but there must be a reason.
that's just my opinion and I'm not sure about any thing but that was most reasonable exceplenation
over a year ago Giovanni_wasto said…
Maybe Sun didn't flash because she spent the least time in the hatch and so had the least exposure to electromagnetism? Daniel hints at this connection during 4x05 The Constant.