Lost ie Group Therapy!

marissa posted on Mar 23, 2009 at 04:31PM
The Losties have some serious issues. Now we can finally confront them in Group Therapy! Feel free to join in and help everyone to work through their emotions :)

Dr. Libby is leading the group as everyone (including those who have died, those we are missing, and those most of just have just plain forgotten about) sits in a circle on the beach.


Libby: All right everyone, who'd like to begin?

Sawyer: Sorry, Nurse Ratched, but this is a stupid idea. Ain't nobody gunna talk about their stupid "feelings".

Jack: I'll begin! Oooh! Me! Me! Pick me!

Everyone: *groans*

Libby: Okay, Jack... what would you like to say?

Jack: Well, I've always had problems with my father...

Sawyer: Jeez, Jack-o-lantern, we all know about that! And we don't wanna hear you cry about it again! Just get over it, will yah?

Jack: *starts to tear up* You never want to to talk about my feelings! You never thought I was good enough, I was always doing something wrong! You never believed in me, Daddy! *cries*

Hurley: ...Dude.

Libby: Okay, then... shall we move on?

Lost 19 replies

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over a year ago api said…
Jack: I need a solution, damn it!!!!!!!!!!
Libby: I said let's move on! I'll help u as soon as i listen to the others' problems!
Hurley: The Others' problems????? Wtf?
Libby: Not the Others', the others'.
Hurley: Well, ok then... i guess.
Libby: Kate, wanna share sth? (while Kate's been making out with Sawyer)
Kate: Well, yeah... I'm... I'm... I'M A SLUT!!!!!!!!!! BOOHOOHOO!!!!!! I JUST CAN"T HELP IT!!!! I wanna make out with every male in this room!!!!!!! I need help!
over a year ago courtney7488 said…
Libby: Well, the first step to recovering from any addiction is admitting that you have a problem. So, you're already on the right path, Kate.

Jack: Speaking of addictions, I have one-

Libby: Jack, SIT DOWN AND SHUT UP! I just told you that you and I will discuss your problems later. It's Kate's turn now. Kate, do you have anything else you want to say?
over a year ago marissa said…
Kate: Um... yes. I think we should probably talk about the whole me/Jack/Juliet/Sawyer thing... now that Jack and I are back on the Island, things are going to get pretty complicated.

Juliet: Come on, Kate. We're all mature adults who can handle this -

Kate: Yeah, but -

Juliet: Shut it, b*tch!

Kate: Whoa.

Juliet: Oops... did I say that out loud?

Libby: I can see we have some work to do...
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago courtney7488 said…
Juliet: OK, it all started when Kate-

Kate: Do you really need to tell the whole story, Juliet?

Juliet: Yes, everyone here needs to know how badly you treated Jack and Jam-er, Sawyer. Put us all out of our misery and stop being such a b*tch! Wow, that feels good to get that all out!

Jack: Juliet is right. Kate, you have no idea how you have hurt me over the past few years *cries*

Libby: Here we go again...

P.S. Great idea for a thread, marissa!
over a year ago api said…
Juliet: Jack, PLEASE, shut up! We're having a girl talk right now!!!!!!
Jack: Well, I'm pretty okay with my feminine side...
(everyone: awkward silence-except Sawyer)
Sawyer: HA!!!!!!! I knew it!!!!!!!!
Libby: Jack? Are you... gay?
over a year ago toddterwillegar said…
Hurley (odd look): dude.
Jack: I'm not gonna listen to this.
Juliet: Jack, sit back down. Ok, Sawyer, Libby, please grow up?
Sawyer: Only as soon as gayboy here gets out of here before he infects me.
over a year ago marissa said…
Tom: *is offended*
Libby: Okay... we deffinatly need to move on!
Sawyer: *is still laughing*
Libby: How about we talk about the Claire/Aaron/Kate situation? Claire, how do you feel about Kate raising your son?
Claire: Wasn't Kate the fugitive on the plane?
Libby: Yes.
Claire: And didn't she rob a bank?
Libby: Yes.
Claire: And steal a car? And lie about her name? Many times?
Libby: Yes.
Claire: And didn't she kill her childhood sweetheart? And abandon her husband after she knocked him out? And blow up her father?
Libby: ...yes.
Claire: *looks at Jack* You left her alone with Aaron?!?!
over a year ago courtney7488 said…
Jack: She just... took him! I didn't know what else to do. *cries*
Kate: Um, excuse me Claire, but who left Aaron all alone in the jungle in the middle of the night?
Claire: It's not my fault my father kidnapped me! If you ever met that man, you would understand.
Jack: *stands up* As the son of that man, I must agree. Christian Shepherd has ruined my life, he's ruined Claire's life, and it looks like he has ruined my nephew's life, too.
Claire: *looks confused* What?
Jack: That's right, Claire- I'm your half-brother!
Sawyer: Why must we always return to the problems of Christian Shepherd's offspring? This is worse than a stupid soap opera!
Libby: Claire, what do you have to say about this?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Rock_Smurf_77 said…
Claire: Well to be honest it doesn't bother me that much I mean you all saw how quickly I got over Charlies death so...
Libby: Would you like to talk about Charlie?
Claire: NO!
Libby: Ok then Hugo, hey wait a mintute, put down that ranch dressing we are talking!
Hurley: *Startled* Sorry urm no I am pretty cool except from these darned numbersand the fact I saw someone on this island that wasnt on this island, so no nothing to talk about!
Jack: Hey wait that reminds me did I tell anyone about how I saw my dead Dad in the jungle
Sawyer: Jeez Doc shut up!!!!
Jack: *Cries*
over a year ago courtney7488 said…
Rose: Jack, the next time you start talking about your daddy, I'm gonna punch you in the face!
Libby: No violent threats, please! And Jack, please remember that this is a GROUP therapy session- it isn't all about you!
Jack: *continues crying*
Libby: Moving on... Desmond, you haven't said anything yet. Is there anything that's been bothering you?
Desmond: Aye, brotha. I keep seeing flashes of someone dying, and I don't know what to do about it!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago marissa said…
Libby: Okay everyone, settle down. Let's continue. Considering we're back on the subject of fathers, I think we should adress your issues, Ben.
Ben: Uh... no.
Libby: But you have some serious problems.
Ben: Like what?
Libby: Well, for starters, you murdered him, along with the rest of the Dharma Initiative with poison gas.
Ben: Oh, that...
over a year ago courtney7488 said…
Libby: Why did you do that?
Ben: Because I could.
Libby: I suppose that's why you also kidnap children and claim to follow the orders of an invisible leader?
Ben: I saved Alex from her insane mother, and I swear that Jacob is real! Just ask Locke!
Libby: You know, Ben, some people would call you a a psychopath.
Juliet: An OBSESSIVE psychopath.
Libby: What makes you say that, Juliet?
Juliet: Well, Ben once told me that he owned me...
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago api said…
Kate: OMG, that's like SO mental!!!!! OMG OMFG! You're like SUCH a psycho!!!!!
Ben: I won't tolerate your insults, you sex-maniac!
Libby: People, let's calm down! Ben, please tell us about your relationship with Juliet.
Juliet: We're not in a relationship!
Libby: What I meant is the way he feels about you.
Ben: Well, I... I'm sort of in love with her...
Kate: Like we didn't know that already...
Ben: Will you shut your mouth, or will I have to shut it for you?
Libby: Kate, please. Ben, I suggest you think about your way of showing your love. It must be pure, gentle... Just like Charlie used to show his love to Claire. This is what I want you to talk about, Claire. I know you have to let it out of you.
Claire:... oh, well, I'm SO over Charlie.
Hurley: I would like to talk about him, I mean, the dude's death was like a freakin' nightmare for me...
Libby: OK, Hurley, we're all listening.
over a year ago courtney7488 said…
Hurley: Charlie was my best friend, and... *starts crying* and I really miss him! He was a great guy, and he was just trying to save us!
Ben: That was touching- can we please move on?
Hurley: Dude,just because you never show any emotion toward the ones you say you care about doesn't mean the rest of us normal people can't! You also have no idea what it's like to see your friends who are supposed to be dead.
Libby: Hurley, you've seen Charlie since his death?
Hurley: Yes, and Ana Lucia and Mr. Eko, too.
Sawyer: I always knew it- Hugo's crazy!
Hurley: I'm not crazy!
over a year ago api said…
Libby: Schizophrenic is the medical term, actually...
Hurley: STOP IT! I"M NOT SCHIZO..... something
Jack: Schizophrenic. It's a disease where the mind usually makes illus-
Sawyer: Been nerd in high school, have we, Doc?
Jack: HEY-
Libby: If that's true, then we'll have to tlk about it, Jack.
Jack: So, I get to talk now, finally????? YES!!!!!
Kate: *whispering*holy shit
Libby: So, Jack....
over a year ago marissa said…
Ana Lucia: Quick, someone think of something to talk about before Jack starts again!
Everyone: *looks around*
Jack: Well, it all started because my dad -
Boone: I had sex with my sister!
Everyone: *jaw drop*
Libby: ...oh dear.
over a year ago api said…
Kate: Yay!!! I'm not the only pervet here!!!!!
Libby: Shannon?
Shannon: *looks away*
Libby:Is this true, Shannon?
Boone: She thought I was in love with her!
Shan: That's because you were, you idiot!
Boone: No, I wasn't.
Shan: Yes you were
Boone: wasn't
Shan: were
over a year ago courtney7488 said…
Boone: NO, I was never in love with you, b*tch!
Shannon: Yeah, right. Then why did you have sex with me?
Hurley: Whoah, so you had sex with your sister? Dude, that's disgusting.
Boone: She's not my sister! She's my... stepsister.
Libby: Oh, great... even more family problems.
over a year ago marissa said…
Sayid: Shannon, I must say... I don't know how I feel about all of this.
Jack: *snickers* Hey, if Shannon did Boone and then you did Shannon, it's kind of like you had sex with Boone!
Michael: *covers Walt's ears*
Sayid: Well then, Jack, by that logic, you had sex with Sawyer.
Jack: ...