Lost SPOILER: The END of LOST Theories!

csi_lost_fan33 posted on Apr 30, 2009 at 05:24AM
My theory is that nothing will ever have happened.

In the end (finale of the final season) they will board Flight 815 from Sydney and land in LA with no memory of anything. That is what I think is going to happen but I don't like it because then everything that happened on the island, (along with all the relationships made) didn't happen. It's either that or they all die, which would not be good. But I have a feeling this is where it is going to end up at. : (

If this does happen then that would mean that Claire, Charlie, Boone, etc will all be alive! But then I just don't understand what the point of the whole thing would have been if they just all end up in LA!

But I can totally see this happening, and then when they land in LA they will all walk off the plane (not remembering a thing) and Jack will see Kate then ask, "Do I know you?"

How do you think LOST will end!?

ps ~ It's so sad thinking about the end of LOST!
last edited on Apr 30, 2009 at 11:57PM

Lost 17 replies

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over a year ago api said…
it's a good theory BUT claire will remember she was pregnant before the flight, right????????? and aaron? and what about Walt's memory and Claire's mum's memory, I mean they know what REALLY happened. And what about Ben, Juliet, Daniel, Miles? And will Michael be without Walt, given Walt's in the "real" world? It's an interesting theory but i don't see it happen.

I really liked the scene you wrote between Jack and Kate. THAT would be an amazing scene , but i don't think it'll happen.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago csi_lost_fan33 said…
Thank you for your comment.

In my theory everything would go back to the way it was before the crash. So Kate would not have told Claire's mom the truth. Claire would be going on Flight 815 to give her baby up for adoption. Michael would be alive and Walt would be with him. But yea it's a far stretch but that is what Daniel was saying in last night's episode. Poor Daniel : (

Thank you, and then Kate would look at him and say no then Jack would walk away but then Kate will watch Jack walk away then remember, then it will end. : )

But I would rather they all live happily ever after on the island. : )
over a year ago Emm_xD said…
Really interesting theory and I agree with api about the Jate scene! That would be amazing!

For me personally I don't even know how I want it to end or how I think it will end.. I don't even want to think about it :( Obviously it's inevitable though LOL! I want the end to be something really devastating, but also something really good too.
over a year ago cosa_nostra said…
It could happen. But i very much doubt it would happen because were only in season 5 and something that significant would be saved for the final season.
over a year ago DEANO-HPBL said…
ummmm sorry 2 ruin your jack kate love scene at the end but that cant happen coz if it does all go that way and the plane does land then kate will still be arrested and being escorted 2 prison by the marshall interesting theory though.....but i hav my own theory i believe it will end this way and the plane will land but i think that just before jack does wateva needs 2 b done 2 reset it all he will say 2 kate if i do this we never would hav met kate and she'll say sumthin nd then she'll b like i love u jack i always have and then he goes and does it the plane lands and in the airport jack and kates eyes will meet and then they will keep walking and thats how it will end (Y)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago csi_lost_fan33 said…
Thanks for all your comments!

Yea but like Jack will ask Kate if he knows her like when they walk off the plane in the airport. I also like your scene idea, before Jack does whatever will reset everything him and Kate tell each other they love each other.

Yea I it's sad to think about the end of LOST!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago emzielouise said…
i really hope that ending doesn't happen it sucks ! if they do that evreything will be forgotten so sawyer will still be alone, claire will still be giving aaron up, locke will still be in a wheelchair and kate will still be going to prison.i dont want this to happen because over the last 5 seasons all the charcters have changed and become diffrent people and all the major shocks in lost wouldnt have happened it would make the last 5 seasons almost pointless!
its going to be so sad when lost ends
over a year ago Emm_xD said…
I completely agree with emzielouise, and after watching a promo for next week I'm really shocked! Jack wants to erase the past and so he's going to do everything that the journal says but - Isn't this just a waste of a whole 5 seasons? So everything that ever happened on Lost - Didn't happen? Yeah it makes an amazing storyline but to me it just feels like a waste!
over a year ago csi_lost_fan33 said…
i agree with you Emm_xD!
I really hope it doesn't happen but i think it might. but yea then the 5 seasons wouldnt exist! i will be so mad if it happens!
over a year ago api said…
...if this happens, Charlie will be alive again, right???????...

over a year ago Emm_xD said…
api - Yeah it will mean Charlie will be alive again. And normally I would be really happy with seeing some Charlie in Lost again :p But if Charlie's alive, that also means that Claire gives the baby away, Locke's still in a wheelchair, and Kate goes to prison etc. I'm all for seeing Charlie coming back, but if it means that all that ^^ is going to happen, I'd rather he didn't come back at all!
over a year ago DEANO-HPBL said…
big smile
what i hav written above is not how i actually believe it will end tho that is just how i think it would end going by this theory!!!
over a year ago csi_lost_fan33 said…

thanks for all you comments!
over a year ago lost-in-lost said…
i dont like the idea of losties end up in LA lol
LOST is too amzaing for a simple theory like that.i think bigger stuff is gonna happen.but i dont know what.i can bever predict LOST!!
over a year ago Soccercutie18 said…
I stopped watching lost a while ago. I loved the show but the problem was, I never knew how it would end and eventually got tired of watching all the drama to figure it out. The producers keep making bigger and bigger things happen but all they can do is have a simple ending. If they have no memory of the island it would haave been pointless to watch what they don't know. And if they die it's too sad. If they get back to the real world and remember everything it's kind of like, well that was predictable.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Markie_G said…
I agree... nothing would ever have happened... But how would they portray it??
over a year ago conqueror said…
I think Lost will end when everyone wakes up. It is a dream. The
producers can make it simple. I agree with the consensus. They
will have no memory of the island.No that doesn't sound right. This
island is purgatory any redemption can people change and be better
people.They come back and go their separate ways. You can't erase the past but you can learn from it. They have gone through so much
together. To teach us to learn to live with people who are different
we are one big melting pot. Embrace our differences.
the conqueror