Lost Something i miss ...

emzielouise posted on May 09, 2009 at 04:36PM
Ok so Season 5 has been amazing so far but their is something i really miss from the previous seasons the losties united front,i really miss the way they all used go on there trecks and adventures together i loved it when jack led them all to the radio tower, now there all so detached from each other i mean Rose and Bernard just vanished and none the losties even appear to care, and when daniel died jack and kate weren't bothored at all, if you think back to season one when boone died they were all together in there grief.Also i hated it in the last episode when locke said he didn't care if jack kate sawyer etc were all dead. Does any one else agree is there anything you miss from previous seasons.
last edited on May 09, 2009 at 04:40PM

Lost 8 replies

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over a year ago xDHmadx said…
I do!! I also miss how even in the face of darkness they had a way of smiling/joking/laughing with one another ... obviously things are bad now so they're not gonna be doing that any time soon lol, but i'm sure you know what i mean!
over a year ago TmoVie_obsessed said…
i agree. it's a kind of weird feeling to see them all so separated. It's almost like everyone only cares about themselves at this point. The only time that I've seen this actual compassion like from the first season is with Sawyer and Juliet and they've been together for 3 years. Everyone else seems willing to do anything for their own means by this point, which makes me a little worried about what some of them might do.
over a year ago courtney7488 said…
I agree with all of you. The show used to be so focused on the characters, but now everything only seems to be about the plot and mysteries. Don't get me wrong- I do want to see how things turn out- but I really miss the more character-focused storylines. It's as if the writers no longer care about the characters' relationships with one another, and I'm not just talking about the romance. Yes, we've had a few great scenes with Sawyer and Juliet, and some very entertaining scenes featuring Hurley and Miles; however, those scenes are very few and far between now.
over a year ago lOSTNUTTER said…
I completely agree too i miss them being together as a camp, i also really miss the beach. i have loved season 5 but the charcter development has been very bad weve barley seen desmond/sayid/sun/jin/hurley and locke
over a year ago sahour95 said…
Yeah agree. But since season five and season six are the only two left. So the writers have alot of questions to ansewr and lots of events to have.And it's also depends on the season theme. Ad this season is not focused about the characters it's mystorious.We are no longer in season three or two. that's what I think.
over a year ago Soccercutie18 said…
I stopped watching the show because now they only have two seasons, and too many questions. They have built this show up so high on drama and questions and mysteries but if they think about it there is no giant ending that would exciting enough to keep people satisfied. Thats just my opinion but reading all these forums I'm interested in seeing how people died and more about the others(I only watched seasons 1,2,3)
over a year ago -lostgirl- said…
Aww I miss so many things!I miss the beach and their camp!I miss that losties were exploring the island every single day(new hatches,polar bears,smoke monster,others...!).I miss seeing them don't know what the hell is going on!!I also miss Charlieeee and Claire!<3
over a year ago Markie_G said…
I totally agree. Charlie!!!!