Lost Characters you would have liked to see interact?

marissa posted on Jul 01, 2009 at 08:06PM
Are they are characters that never met or spoke to each other or didn't interact much that you would have liked to see with each other?

For example, I've always wondered what it would hav ebeen like had Ana Lucia met Juliet. With Juliet being and Other and Ana completely not trusting and hating the Others, it would have been really interesting to see who these two interacted wiht each other - expecailly since Ana killed Goodwin.

I've also always wanted more Eko/Ben interaction. I know they spoke when Ben was lokce din the Hatch as "Henry", but did Eko ever know the real Ben? I think that would have been interesting, if Eko really knew who Ben was. For some reason I feel like Ben would have looked to Eko for help with his whole "Jacob-issue" stuff, even if he didn't come right out and ask for it. Know he was a priest, would Ben have ever asked for forgiveness for all fo the things he did, like Eko asked him to forgive him?

Also, I always wanted Charlie adn Daniel to meet... just because they'd be adorable :)

What about you guys?

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over a year ago courtney7488 said…
big smile
I totally agree about Juliet and Ana... they certainly would have had some interesting scenes together. They're both very fierce women, and they would have been at odds with another for sure. However, I think Juliet would still blame Ben for Goodwin's death. She may have hated Ana at first, but maybe she'd eventually realize that Ana was unknowingly being manipulated by Ben and the Others just as she was?

I also would have loved to see Libby and Desmond on the island. Yes, they had a scene together, but it still angers me that she died just before he arrived back on the island. It's so ironic that he arrived on her boat during her funeral. Libby's reaction to seeing Des with her boat would have been great to watch, and their conversations that followed would have been very interesting.

Speaking of Desmond, I've always wondered if Ben knew who he was prior to this season. Ben seemed to know everything that was going on on the island, so did he know that Desmond was in the hatch all that time? If so, why didn't he ever bother Des? Did he know of his connection to Widmore?

I've also always wanted more interaction between Des and Juliet mainly because they have so much in common: both were stuck on the island for three years, both were outsiders amongst the 815ers, and both had loved ones back home (unlike most of the other Losties). I would have enjoyed a conversation between them back in season 3, but even a scene with both of them next season would be great (though unlikely).

Yes, I know most of these involve Desmond. I just feel like he has not had a variety of interactions over the seasons; it seems as if he only interacts with the same characters.
over a year ago marissa said…
Oooh, I'd really like to see Juliet and Desmond as well. I agree with you, I think the conversations that would come out of that would be really interesting :)