Lost Character Elimination Game

hayley_pace posted on Sep 30, 2009 at 03:22PM
So I've seen this on threads for other spots so I'm stealing is cause it looked like fun and posting it here. It works like this, all characters start with ten points. Each time you vote, take away a point from your least favorite character and add a point to your favorite character. When the character reaches zero points they are eliminated (take that character off the list). You can vote only once a day. Copy and paste the list each time you vote. The game continues until one character stands.

Jack- 10
Kate- 10
Sawyer- 10
Hurley- 10
Locke- 9 (-)
Sayid- 10
Jin- 10
Sun- 10
Charlie- 11 (+)
Claire- 10
Michael- 10
Ben- 10
Walt- 10
Juliet- 10
Desmond- 10
Shannon- 10
Boone- 10
Ana Lucia- 10
Libby- 10
Mr. Eko- 10
Daniel- 10
Charlotte- 10
Miles- 10
Nikki- 10
Paulo- 10

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