Lost The Monster is...

PkmnTrainerJ posted on Oct 25, 2007 at 06:54PM
I think we need a lively discussion about some of The Island's mysteries, so here is my theory on The Monster, please respond with your own.

The Monster is an embodiment of fate, similar to The Dahaka from The Prince Of Persia: Warrior Within. It's purpose is to "course correct" the timeline, similar to Ms. Hawking acting as a temporal officer for Desmond's timeline.

- If this is true, The Monster may have influenced Desmond's flashes so that Charlie died at the correct time.
- Also, if Charlie had died when strung up by Ethan, then Eko would not have been saved from The Swan's implosion by him, thus providing a further necessary course correction in which Eko and Charlie had to die.

- No hard evidence to back it up.

Lost 6 replies

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over a year ago benji said…
OUR theory boy, stop trying to steal it <_<
over a year ago Giovanni_wasto said…
I remember one of the producers saying that the theory that the monster was made by DHARMA to keep the people in the stations separate was "very interesting, but not quite right", or something to that effect. And on the blast wall map, it says that there was an incident (not necesarily THE incident) when "Cerberus" - the DHARMA's name for the monster - malfunctioned.

My theory is that the monster was designed to protect some underground experiment from being discovered - Cerberus guarding the "underworld".

Perhaps, even, this experiment is still going on...?

Of course, this doesn't explain either the monster's apparent ability to "sum people up", eg Locke and Eko, or the flashing images inside the smoke cloud.

Unless this is the way that the monster used to see if someone was authorised to be in a specific area - effectively reading their mind. But because of some "incident" this broke and it started attacking/not attacking people at random - causing DHARMA to construct the sonic fence...
over a year ago thecon said…
Coming from the angle of science (which they said everything on the island had a grounding in) I think the monster is nano-technology.... though this is an extreme in terms of explanation
over a year ago Panikmachenmann said…
They already shot that one down. I like the idea of it being a DHARMA guard dog, but I think its just a DHARMA experiment. :P Not much more specific than that I'm afraid.
over a year ago thecon said…
Perhaps its microscopic flying robot aliens spawned from 'Batteries Not Included' and desperate to break free from the cutesy image handed down by their spielberg associated forefathers. Or perhaps they are just misunderstood...
over a year ago TheTache said…
i think the monster is...wait for it...YER MA!