Lost Season 4, Episode 1

Pippi21 posted on Feb 01, 2008 at 12:15PM
Anyone want to talk about it? Because I do!
Oh, and can we keep this topic spoilerfree? Just your own ideas, what you can make of it..
So, the things I'm curious about are why Hurley is going to change is mind about coming with John, does this mean the people on the boat ARE there to rescue them? It can't be that, I mean, not all people that stayed with Jack are going to get rescued, we know that.
And ofcourse, what's with the dead people walking? We've seen that before, but somehow it's starting to get more 'real' now.
Being a Skater, is this going to be the end of them and is the Kate & Jack-thing going to be the main thing now? (sorry for those of you who really couldn't care less about this..)

What are your ideas and questions?
last edited on Feb 01, 2008 at 12:16PM

Lost 13 replies

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over a year ago janenjab said…
I think the season premier was great ^_^ I can't wait for the next episode! I was wondering if anyone catched the "message" from Oceanic Flight 815, that was suppose to air sometime during the Eli Stone premier? If you did, mind sharing it?

Thanks =]
over a year ago marissa said…
loooved this episode!
my faith in lost has been restored,
im sorry that i ever lost my way!

yeah, i did see the Oceanic message. Had to watch that whole stupid show, too. *grumbles about how bad eli stone turned out to be*

baasically, some very pretty Oceanic stewartesses told everyone about the "Golden Pass", but then this guy (I haven't seen him before, but I didn't see a lot of last season, so...) came on. He told us "not to trust these people".

I really wanna know what's going on with Charlie, and whether or not Hurley is crazy (I don't think so...)

And who are the Oceanic Six??

And why is Hurley sorry? Is it just because he went with Locke and not Jack?

And what's the lie?? What doesn't Jack want Hurley to tell?????
dun dun dun!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago janenjab said…
Thanks for the recap on the message =) I'm wondering much of the same things as you both. I think what Jack doesn't want Hurley to tell is that they are still people back on the island that are alive. What made me think that this is the secret Jack doesn't want Hurley to tell, is because of that whole scene where the man showed up at the mental institution and asked Hurley "Are they still alive?" -_o

But hey, what has lost taught us? We can never be certain in our assumptions lol =P I know I said this already but I can't wait for the next episode!
over a year ago janenjab said…
Oh and I'm also wondering what's this "it" Hurley is referring to when Jack comes to see him and he says "I think it wants us to come back and it's going to do everything it can...", I'm thinking the island... any thoughts?
over a year ago heavenly101 said…
I agree completely -- 'it' referring to The Island. In the flash forward's we've seen (Jack and Hurley) It seems like life isn't what they expected it to be, in fact it's pretty hellish. Oooh! I'm SO excited it's back! lol... OH, and any thoughts on the screen cap showing Jack's father as 'Jacob'?
over a year ago fate-late said…
It was awesome!!!! But i want to know why it wasnt a two hour episode like it said? I watched it on the internet so i may have missed something
over a year ago Pippi21 said…
Hello fate-late. The first hour was a recap of the previous seasons. It's online too if you want to watch it.

I agree with you that "it" is probably the island. And also the Oceanic Six obviously haven't told the world that there are still survivors on the island, so that would be their secret.

I don't think Hurley is crazy either, and I'm starting to think the island had some kind of effect on some people before, since most of them had kind of crazy lives and maybe they were all 'meant to be there', like John Locke would say..
I don't know but that could explain why Hurley was in the mental instution before, with seeing Dave and everything..

Also I wonder why Naomi defended the Losties to her people, why she still played the part, even if she was going to die and they had found their location anyway... Could she not be evil? Who's evil then, someone has to be!? If it's not the others and not the boat-people...
Oh, the confusion... But that's why we love it, isn't it.
over a year ago papa said…
I enjoyed the episode too. I made me realize how much I've forgotten.

Does anyone know if Desmond went with Locke and the group that went back to the Others' barracks?

All my favorite characters: Sawyer, Hurley and Locked (Desmond too if he went) seem to want to stay on the island.

I really hope nothing bad happens/happened to John Locke :-(
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago doonis said…
papa: yeah, I'm pretty sure Desmond went with Locke. He said himself that if the tanker people come, Charlie died for nothing.

And I wouldn't worry about Locke. He has Jacob on his side :)
over a year ago mattmandu said…
Man, I thought Ghosty-Charlie's spiffy new haircut was fabulosssseee!!! Someone get this guy some ginseng!!!!!!!!! Just think, if Hurley hadn't plugged his ears and gone LA LA LA LA LA LA LA, he and Charlie could have had a nice little chitty witty chat. So in essence you can't really say that Charlie's death served no purpose! Its purpose was soley to put Hurley back in the nut hatch.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago doonis said…
Actually I just looked it up and apparently Desmond stayed with Jack. I don't really understand why, though.
over a year ago jighooligan101 said…
did anybode notice how domnic monaghen was listed in the credits as usual so that means hes not gone for good so thats a major woo hoo on my point also john terry (christian shepard) was listed as a special guest star and im in the middle of re-watching the season 3 final and desmond tells charlie that in one of his visions he saw clare and aaron get in a helicopter and get off the island so does that mean weve got our oceanic 4 and 5
over a year ago cosa_nostra said…
i thought episode 4.01 was absolutley brilliant (not that i expected anything less from lost). the thing that intrigued me most about the episode was the connection between hurley and jacob.

because previously we were only shown ben and locke to have some sort connection, even then lockes one was a surprise. so i wonder does this man hurley plays a big part in season 4.

very intriguing...