Lost "It wants us to come back, and it's going to do everything it can."

Giovanni_wasto posted on Feb 01, 2008 at 07:17PM
There's only two things in Lost which can be referred to in this way - the island and the monster. And I've never seen Hurley as the kind of "the Island want us to do this" kind of person - that job's left to Locke. Either something has changed Hurley to make him "believe" in the island, or the monster has more intelligence than we originally thought. Your thoughts?

Lost 7 replies

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over a year ago dave said…
We still haven't seen the monster for a while (since Eko died I think?). But I definitely think that Hurley has started to realize that the island itself had an identity (especially after his encounter with Jacob and the house and probably more supernatural interactions to come. I still can't believe Jack would have shot Locke. I'm getting pretty annoyed at him.
over a year ago marissa said…
Aww, Dave, I loved that "jack-almost-shot-locke" moment!

I'm not a huge Jack fan, but I thought that was a pretty powerful moment, and it just shows us how much his character has changed, and how much be actually hates Locke.

As for Hurley "believing" in the island, I agree with you there. Something happenes in the furture (on the island, not a flash forward)...
over a year ago Zerstoren said…
I was watching the show with my family and they pointed out that when the "Oceanic lawyer" left the room after visiting Hurley, it appeared as if black smoke was going out the door.

So I think m aybe the monster..

As for Jack,I've never really liked him.. that moment with Locke made me like him less
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Giovanni_wasto said…
Yeah, that explains Charlie's presence as well - maybe he was a manifestation of the monster. But since when has the monster been able to get off the island? And if it could always do this, are any other characters that we've met simply manifestations of the monster?
over a year ago Zerstoren said…
Perhaps they've been "touched" by the Island--they've been there so its presence can travel with them?
over a year ago harlequingirl said…
He could be talking about 'Jacob'?
over a year ago papa said…
Good one, Jacob has been totally overlooked in this conversation.