Lost What happened to the other "others"?

cosa_nostra posted on Feb 14, 2008 at 09:48PM
Its been bugging me for a while now, the thought of what ever could have happened to the other "others". I mean in season 3 there was like a whole tribe of them, and i know in season 3 some died but not all of them. I cant remember missing any episodes, but if anyone does know what happened do please tell us.

Lost 3 replies

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over a year ago doonis said…
They're probably on the other island (the small one near the normal one). And a bunch of them died in the season 3 finale. The only one who just disappeared is Richard, because the actor joined a new show, Cane. Although, I think Cane just got cancelled so he might be back :)
over a year ago papa said…
Yeah good point. I was wondering if some were in other hatches just holing up...and you'd think there'd still be others on the other island.
over a year ago PkmnTrainerJ said…
They went off to The Temple.

RICHARD: We're going to the radio tower?

BEN: Not we, Richard, me. You're going to take everyone to the temple as planned.

RICHARD: Now might not be the best time to go tromping off on your own.

BEN: Oh really and why not?

RICHARD: Because people are asking questions, Ben. About leaving home, about what happened to Locke, about Jacob. Not to mention the rapidly spreading rumour that everyone that went down to the beach is dead.

BEN: They're not all dead.