Lost ((spoiler)) Episode 403 Questions: The economist

fr34kygl posted on Feb 15, 2008 at 02:24PM
Here are my questions:

- Why is sayid working for Ben?
- Why is sayid still killing people?

add yours!!

Lost 13 replies

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over a year ago fr34kygl said…
oh i got more:

- What the hell is wrong with time on the island?
- Who was that guy sayid killed, and who's the economist?
over a year ago TheLostBrotha said…
- Why has Ben have a hidden room filled with money and passports?
over a year ago doonis said…
- Who is RC and why did Naomi and Elsa have similar bracelets?
over a year ago Giovanni_wasto said…
-Where has Jacob's hut gone?
-What is that dust crap? Is it the trail left by the hut's movements around the place?
over a year ago Saul_Mikoliunas said…
- Why does Sayid style his hair when it looks so much better messy?........Sorry. I got real questions too!
-What happened the last time Sayid went with his heart instead of his gun?
-What did Sayid trade with John for Charlotte?
-How did Ben get off the island and why? He wanted to stay on the island.
over a year ago fr34kygl said…
good ones!! i didn't even notice about the similar bracelets..
and i "know" the answer to what did sayid trade with john for charlotte... he traded miles, the asian ghosts guy :)
over a year ago Saul_Mikoliunas said…
As soon as I read Miles I was like ohh yeah! I had forgotten all about the stupid ghost seeing dude lol
Do you think maybe the bracelets are the same one? I mean I would need to look more closely but they are scarily alike.
over a year ago papa said…
I feel like the last 3 eps have opened up sooooo many questions...it's almost crazy. I'm still enjoying the show but I almost need them to slow down a little. I'm reeling constantly from the influx of new stuff.

*Why didn't Jake just kiss Kate when they were 1-on-1? Even a little cheek peck.
*Why did Hurley end up playing along with Locke after being outraged by his plan?
*Where the hell did all the Others go? Are there still other hatches? Did they all perish on the beach end of season 3?

over a year ago Saul_Mikoliunas said…
I found a picture of the bracelets together so I added it into images and they look the same to me.
over a year ago doonis said…
papa, I think I can answer some of your questions:

-Jack already put it all on the line with Kate by saying he loved her, and when she pretty much just ignored it, he assumed she still was more interested in Sawyer

-Hurley went with Locke simply because he's scared. He'd rather do bad things with someone he knows than go out and trust some mysterious strangers.

-I'm guessing the Others are on the smaller island next to the normal one. Not sure though.

Hope that helps.
over a year ago pamarama said…
Is The Economist Penny's dad or Sun's father?
over a year ago pip_ku said…
I agree with Papa on the whole Jack/Kate thing but I think Juliet would've gotten a bit mad seeing as they kissed like 2 days ago, lol!
but what did Kate want from Sawyer? and
why was Ben glad those people knew who Sayid was and what he was doing?

4x03 was a confusing episode...
over a year ago TheGman said…
pure genius....3 season's of their 'pasts', and 3 more season for the 'futures'...here'e my questions, and thought:

OH MY GOD! great episode...but I have some questions (obviously only the producers know the answer, but I want ppl opinions:

1. Who is the guy that sayid shoots at the golf course? Mr. Avenue? Mr. Avinale?

2. Why do all of Sayid's GF's end up shot & dead?


4. "Oceanic 6": Jack, Kate, Hurley, Sayid...are the other 2: Jun & Jin? Aaron & Mom>?


Some Answers (Ok, guesses), we'll see who was most correct as the saeason goes on (In order from the first person):

1. Ben did to SAyid what he does best: figures out what a person cares about, and exploits it(Season 3)-- So if you want to know WHY sayid is working for Ben, figure out what Sayid cares about... (Which is also why he is kiiling people

2. Time on the Island - I say that whatever caused the plan to crash, and the electromagent-thingee-majig, also has something to do with magnetic pull of the compass, somehow sending that rocket with the timer in circles, smaller and smaller, until it hit the satelite by the helicopter

3. Ben has a hidden room b/c he does anything and everything he can to keep the island hidden...I think this goes back to Dharma. Dharma is obviously the tall black "Oceanic lawyer" that visits hurley and hires naomi. This might also answer Sayid working for Ben-- Sayid is killing the guys who financed/setup the Dharma initiative...

4. No idea who RC is...maybe Regina on the freighter

5. I don't know who Elsa is..

6. Jacob's hut is like part of the messed up shit on the island (the monster)...the dust around it, I thought to be gunpowder, not dust...i looks a lot like the powder in m16 bullets...(another reasno i love this forum: 2 people can see the same thing and come to totally different conclusion)

7. Sayid looks better with his hair lookin nice, but to each his/her own (I'm straight, I swear)...

8. The last time Sayid went with his hear and not his gun, I believe is referring to the future (between 4x04 and the flashforward), I can't recall anything related to his GF that Anna Lucia shot...

9. Sayid traded Miles for Charlotte...

10. Ben is off the island, but I believe in the flashforward he is having a secret identity, and wants to get back to the island, only after he kills everyone from Dharma on the list

11. I believe the Economist is Penny's dad (well, Penny, with ehr dad'd money), but i can see a strong argument for Sun's Father.