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Love Question


One of my BFF's (which is pretty amazing by the way) is about 14/15 years old and I'm not sure if it's true but I think she fell in love with our 28 years old teacher. Everytime I say he name she smiles, she has a lot of dreams about her and she wanna seee her all the time. Should I do something with that or should I just let it go ?
 Kackahaluzova posted over a year ago
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Love Answers

mjpeterpan7 said:
No,you should not let it go!
If you consider her as your best friend,how can you let her go of your hands? In these hard times she needs your supports and your advices.In fact your teacher is flirting with her in way to destroy her after he completes his purpose.So on my opinion,you should convince her to stop loving him because she's not in the right age to do these things.Sorry mind you to ask if your teacher is a male or female?
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posted over a year ago 
Actually that teacher is female so it's more and more complicated. She didn't tell me that she is in love with him but gosh I have a eyes and everything she told me lately says that she is. I just don't know what should I tell her or do :-(
Kackahaluzova posted over a year ago
So you're friend is a boy,right?
mjpeterpan7 posted over a year ago
Yeah but when you find out that you actually feel something for the wrong person and you can't stop thinking and talking about her then you can't stop loving her. I think this is since November I guess.
Kackahaluzova posted over a year ago
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