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Marauders Question

Does anyone else think that the Snape/Lily/James thing is really sad?

Because I feel terrible for Snape but then I remember that James isn't that bad. I know this is fictional but...STILL!!
Does anyone else think that the Snape/Lily/James thing is really sad?
 Mrs-Grint posted over a year ago
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Marauders Answers

HecateA said:
I'm still sad about it.

I disliked Snape because he was the villain in Philosophers stone, then he saved Harry and it wasn't that bad, then he got harry in trouble aand I hated him all over again, that's how its been for me.

I feel sorry for the poor guy. I mean, its the msot painful kind of love, maybe feeling there is, and he had it. Except he lsot it to the man he hated!

Looking at Harry was like jhe had James hauntign him all over gaain, but then he loked at his eyes and liked the kid, then he saw him and he hated him. Mixed feelings... Sigh.
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posted over a year ago 
Faith-Rulz said:
Its tragic as lily may have returned snape's romantic feelings if it wasnt for his fascination with the dark arts and to become a death eater that pushed lily to sever ties and to be more open to james and building a more solid, positive relationship with james.

its sad...snape lost everything but so did lily and james. i feel for all three of them.
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posted over a year ago 
LoveFredW said:
Never liked Snape, and it may seem cruel that I enjoyed the Marauders punishing him. Moony, Padfoot and Prongs are my favorite characters! Lily was happy..... James was happy.......Sev not so much, I feel bad but I still don't like him
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posted over a year ago 
Snape is only the way he is BECAUSE the Marauders Picked on him! What are You talking about them Punishing Him! Sry I got all worked up but Good grief! Give him a break!
kkbb97876 posted over a year ago
I trust Snape, but I don't really like him. Can't tell why... Anyway, I loved the Marauders, minus Peter, including James so perhaps I'm a bit biased.
AlmostGenius posted over a year ago
You can't say that their treatment of Snape is the only reason why Snape became a Death Eater. There's a lot more to it than that. Harry was bullied too but turned out differently. Lots of people in real life do.
Flickerflame posted over a year ago
lilymaus343 said:
It is realy sad and I realy feel sypathy with Sev. And this secret made him more likable.

It is a real pity that Sev went the wrong way.
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posted over a year ago 
kwlski4ever said:
It was sad. Poor Sev. After that I liked him more.
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posted over a year ago 
harryandsiriusx said:
Yes, because the whole Snape loving Lily ever since he seen her, and the fact they were best friends and also, because his Patronus is a Doe. But, James is a lovely bloke, just didn't like Snape because he's a greasy creep who loved the Dark Arts and thought he was never any good for Lily. But Snape was a bit selfish, only asking Voldemort to spare Lily and kill James and HArry so he could have her to himself.

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posted over a year ago 
gotweasley said:
it is sad, i think she would have ended up with Snape if he hadn't called her a Mudblood, so then i think it's his fault, but then i think of the memory in the pensieve where he was talking to Dumbledore when Lily died, and it makes me wish he had been with her. But i also like James a lot. It's quite conflicting.
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posted over a year ago 
StichxAngel4eva said:
yea. its rly sad. i feel sry 4 snape. i luv the marauders but still they were rly mean 2 snape & he rly loved lily. & yea she probably would have ended up with her if he hadnt called her a mudblood. he didnt mean it either.
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posted over a year ago 
LoopyLuna96 said:
I think it's really sad, poor Snape and Lily and James.
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posted over a year ago 
PiperLunaPotter said:
Yeah, it's like Hecate said--Harry was sort of a miniature version of James. . .except for his eyes. And when he died, he looked into Lily's eyes again, and oh, I think I'm gonna be sobbing in the theater during the death and The Prince's Tale--the Snape/Lily/James is so sad v.v
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posted over a year ago 
SiriusBlackLove said:
James and Snape are hated ... But they both loved Lily ... Harry knew and could tell that he has "forgiven" Snape ... But, in fact, it's sad ... They should have eventually understand, it's the only thing I blame JK Rowling ...
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posted over a year ago 
kkbb97876 said:
i liked snape from book one. Even though hes was mean to Harry i loved his sense of humer and I always wondered why he hated harry so much. During the Prince's tale i couldnt stop srying. He loved lilly so much! after that i was torn Between lily and james and Lily and Severus. Great now im depressed....Im going to read a fanfic were he's happy and try to forget about this.
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posted over a year ago 
Alycat4848 said:
Yeah it was really sad. Snape's life just sucked all around. The love of his life marries the school bully and then it's his fault she dies. And the kid that she had and that Snape spent his life protecting doesn't even like him until after he dies. If anyone has an excuse to be emo it's Snape
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posted over a year ago 
DaIncredibleGG said:
In the end, I felt bad for Severus. I've always been on and off with him for the entire series, usually because of things he did. But when I finally saw how much Sev devoted his life to Lily and how much he loved her I accepted him as a true good guy. I think that Lily judged him too quickly when she finally ended their friendship. I understand completely that people say things that they would never say or do when they are in a state of panic or anger (in Sev's case, it was both). I really wish that he got a second chance because (and I know this is a really big opinion and James fans are really gonna hate me right now) I know that Severus loved Lily much more than James ever did, and I just have a feeling that even though she went off and married James and had Harry that she still had feelings for him. I just think that Severus deserved her much more than James (and thank god the little bully died)... If only Voldemort mentioned Snape just as he was about to kill her...
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posted over a year ago 
RoseBlack123 said:
I Don't want to sound rude bu t snape never desevered lily.he never had the courage.If at least once he really asked her i would change my mind,but he didn't so i believe he did not deserve her.
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posted over a year ago 
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