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Marilyn Manson Question

er bryan, i really like to know your take on who and why and what the kenites are.

also, satan isnt ugly as most ppl pegged him as. He is the most beautiful creation that God ever made. Personally, off the subject of Satan, Lucifer,,, He is the one that brings the other fallen angels to rule earth for a short season .... 5 months, thats it. Its him that brings the end times on not you but you support it so ... anyway its Prophecy. theres no flying away except to be lead to his camp. This is serious stuff.

unless you are a blood kenite he could not care less about anyone but will love it and does love it when you worship him..

however, its totally up to you. you dont have to go that way. Its not tooo late yet... the saving grace of Jesus Christ the 2nd Adam, it is still on the table as for now. I pray you will repent. hell isnt created yet . and its a burning from within. poof *** why do you want to not exist? ever again .. cuz bro thats hell.
 who_me_why posted over a year ago
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