Marvel Comics Captain America, the what?!?!?!?!

ztara posted on Nov 17, 2008 at 10:55PM
Does anyone else see something a little wrong with the title to the Captain Aerica film?


Marvel Comics 3 replies

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over a year ago Ironman007I said…
well, what is the title?
over a year ago ztara said…
your kidding me? *sigh*

ok the film is annoyingly called 'The First Avenger: Captain America'. The Avengers were ORIGINALLY: Thor, Iron Man, Hulk, Ant Man and Wasp. Capitan America whilst being one of the first to join the ranks (7th i think, not too sure) WAS NOT THE FIRST AVENGER!!!

i know for most people this is a minor detail but its just the kind of Hollywood c%@p that really gets me annoyed.

(*and breathe*)
over a year ago bishopsX said…
i truly love the idea that marvel has a movie studio and disneys $ behind them now but i do wish they were a little less "future-centric" and realize that the true fans will love a well done cap movie whether or not its a build up to some blockbuster 5 or 6 yrs down the road