Matthew McConaughey Worldwide Healing Meditation Event

vickie60men posted on Jun 09, 2022 at 02:39PM
I just watched your speech which brought tears. You made it personal. You made the connection with these hurting families in a beautiful way to the masses. I was given a message in a meditation to do a worldwide healing event with a meditation that will be delivered around the world that I believe will give people who are hurting hope and the people who are looking to heal their lives get a glimmer of what meditation does for your soul. I have been doing some intense healing with my healer and it has opened up a whole new world for me full of love, compassion, and profound healing. I found that when I healed it trickled down to every person in my life. I am reading your book, Green Lights, just started it but I think you know what doing the work entails and how it changes lives. I would love it if you would be a part of this event. If you want to know more please reach out to me. I am just one person with a monumental goal so I was told by someone that I trust that if a goal is so big that you have no idea how you will accomplish it then THAT is a goal that will allow you to stretch and grow. After a lifetime of feeling like I was missing something and that I wasn't living a life with a purpose or a mission that set my soul on fire. I am now feeling the power of what unconditional love can do for your life. Radical Forgiveness has given me my passion for growth in myself and for helping others to reach their potential without fear. I truly hope this strikes a chord with you and you decide to be involved.

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