maurice Updates

a photo was added: Maurice Lemur over a year ago by PripperNKicoFan
a comment was made to the poll: ** Potential Spoiler ** over a year ago by pmmom38
a comment was made to the poll: If they were to do an episode from Maurice's past, what would you want to see from his past? over a year ago by pmmom38
a poll was added: If they were to do an episode from Maurice's past, what would you want to see from his past? over a year ago by Kathy127
a poll was added: Do you thjink Maurice has a sexy voice? over a year ago by Kathy127
a poll was added: ** Potential Spoiler ** over a year ago by Skiparah
an answer was added to this question: Do You Really Think That Maurice Is Alot Smarter Than King Julien? over a year ago by iloveprivate
a comment was made to the photo: Maurice over a year ago by ImAnEasel
an answer was added to this question: how would you react to a marlene X maurice moment? over a year ago by Matchmaker11
a comment was made to the answer: Well, yes I do. But that doesn't mean King Julien is completely dumb! King Julien does not lack intelligence - he is actually very smart at times. It... over a year ago by ImAnEasel
an answer was added to this question: how would you react to a marlene X maurice moment? over a year ago by ImAnEasel
a comment was made to the answer: yes, but i wouldnt say everyone's smarter than him.. hes still got an idea of whats going on. Hes not like Fred who has no clue of whats going on in... over a year ago by ImAnEasel
an answer was added to this question: Do You Ever Thought If Maurice Will Ever Find Love? over a year ago by ImAnEasel
a comment was made to the article: Maurice's Love Life over a year ago by skipperfan5431
a comment was made to the article: the ackadentle kiss over a year ago by anna447
an answer was added to this question: Do You Really Think That Maurice Is Alot Smarter Than King Julien? over a year ago by Kowalski355
a comment was made to the answer: What makes you ask that? Only Fred is dumber than Julien! over a year ago by Kowalski355
a comment was made to the photo: M20 over a year ago by madam_vira
a comment was made to the photo: M3 over a year ago by madam_vira
an answer was added to this question: how would you react to a marlene X maurice moment? over a year ago by madam_vira
an answer was added to this question: how would you react to a marlene X maurice moment? over a year ago by Jhoman12
a question was added: how would you react to a marlene X maurice moment? over a year ago by anna447
an article was added: the ackadentle kiss over a year ago by anna447
an answer was added to this question: Do You Ever Thought If Maurice Will Ever Find Love? over a year ago by anna447
a comment was made to the article: the sercert missen for mort. over a year ago by madam_vira
an article was added: the sercert missen for mort. over a year ago by anna447
an article was added: Maurice's Love Life over a year ago by Jhoman12
an answer was added to this question: Do You Really Think That Maurice Is Alot Smarter Than King Julien? over a year ago by 12NatureLvr30
an answer was added to this question: Do You Really Think That Maurice Is Alot Smarter Than King Julien? over a year ago by krazy4kowalski
a question was added: Do You Really Think That Maurice Is Alot Smarter Than King Julien? over a year ago by kellyo
a question was added: Do You Ever Thought If Maurice Will Ever Find Love? over a year ago by kellyo