Melisandre Updates

a video was added: 5 Actresses Who Could SMOLDER as Melisandre 4 months ago by XXXplicit
an icon was added: Melisandre over a year ago by Bibi69
a video was added: Melisandre at a Baby Shower [Carice van Houten on Late Night with Seth Meyers, 18 Feb 2016] over a year ago by DarkSarcasm
a comment was made to the poll: Is Melisandre underrated or overrated? over a year ago by Articuno224
a poll was added: Is Melisandre underrated or overrated? over a year ago by Windrises
a photo was added: melisandre and stannis over a year ago by vici-mercedes
fan art was added: Melisandre and Gendry over a year ago by DarkSarcasm
a comment was made to the poll: Where does Melisandre rank in your favorite characters (in general, not just in GoT)? over a year ago by Articuno224
a poll was added: Where does Melisandre rank in your favorite characters (in general, not just in GoT)? over a year ago by XxXrachellXxX
a wallpaper was added: Melisandre Season 4 over a year ago by peteandco
a comment was made to the fan art: Melisandre over a year ago by twilightlover73
a comment was made to the poll: Melisandre is better in? over a year ago by XxXrachellXxX
a video was added: Melisandre - Getting Away With Murder over a year ago by Saejima
a video was added: melisandre of asshai | sun over a year ago by Saejima
a video was added: Stannis & Melisandre - "This war has just begun.." over a year ago by Saejima
a video was added: Melisandre (GoT) - Seven Devils over a year ago by Saejima
a comment was made to the poll: [Melisandre] Which icon? over a year ago by xxxqueenMaryxxx
a video was added: Game of Thrones S03E10 - The Lord of Light works in mysterious ways over a year ago by Articuno224
a poll was added: [Melisandre] Which icon? over a year ago by Articuno224
a poll was added: [Melisandre] Which icon? over a year ago by Articuno224
a poll was added: [Melisandre] Which icon? over a year ago by Articuno224
a poll was added: Melisandre is better in? over a year ago by Articuno224
a comment was made to the icon: Melisandre over a year ago by Articuno224
a pop quiz question was added: Melisandre has POVs in ADWD and in one of them she remembered about her past. So, who she was? over a year ago by xxxqueenMaryxxx
a pop quiz question was added: Who is Melisandre's god? over a year ago by Articuno224
a comment was made to the poll: Melisandre in over a year ago by xxxqueenMaryxxx
a comment was made to the poll: Best icon? over a year ago by Articuno224
a poll was added: Best icon? over a year ago by Articuno224
a poll was added: Best icon? over a year ago by Articuno224
a video was added: Melisandre | Into the fire over a year ago by Saejima
a video was added: Melisandre | Seven Devils [2x01] "the night is dark" over a year ago by Saejima
a poll was added: Melisandre in over a year ago by AryaStark21
a pop quiz question was added: Who plays Melisandre in "Game Of Thrones"? over a year ago by Articuno224