Metropolis Updates

a wallpaper was added: Metropolis over a year ago by Der_Sieger
a pop quiz question was added: Fill in the blanks to this quote: "The Mediator between the ____ and ____ must be the ___." over a year ago by alpyki
a photo was added: Metropolis [1984] on Laserdisc - Japanese Version over a year ago by Z4MAY81
a pop quiz question was added: UFA was given money by which Hollywood Studio to help fund Metropolis? over a year ago by Z4MAY81
a pop quiz question was added: How long is the full version of the film? [approx.] over a year ago by Z4MAY81
a link was added: 'Metropolis' Poster Purchased for $1.2 Million at L.A. Court Auction over a year ago by AcidBanter