Misha Collins Misha's Tweets!

toti8 posted on Aug 26, 2009 at 08:58PM
This is a place where we can post Misha Collins' tweets from his Twitter page and discuss them.Sometimes his tweets are rather enigmatic,so feel free to enlighten us with your thoughts!
This is a place where we can post Misha Collins' tweets from his Twitter page and discuss them.Someti

Misha Collins 17 replies

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over a year ago toti8 said…
This is Misha's tweet posted on his b-day: As 4 the birthday, my sundial is miscalibrated, I thought today was Halloween. Thanks 4 the heads up. My cell-mates are gonna sing to me.
over a year ago toti8 said…
Misha's latest tweets:Why does everyone dread prison? I played more shuffleboard in a week than I had in a decade. I asked to stay on, but they needed the bed.

I'm giving a PowerPoint presentation at a Vancouver event tomorrow discussing my treatise, "Anomic Vectors in the Postmodern Workforce."

It should be interesting. If attending, please bring a pen, a piece of black construction paper, & an egg for the mind-control experiment.

Oh Misha you're so brainy!!!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Roxyn said…
big smile
Oh that Misha :D I can barely understand most of the words he says! But he's so funny x) He thought it was halloween LOL =D
Ahah mind-control experiment that sounds interesting =P =D
over a year ago toti8 said…
Misha's tweet posted on September 8th: Minions were supposed to send large quantities of wheat after the harvest but all I got were 31 eggs & 2 toy ponies.
last edited over a year ago
Misha's tweet posted on September 8th: [b]Minions were supposed to send large quantities of wheat aft
over a year ago toti8 said…
big smile
Misha's tweet posted on September 8th with a picture:Tiny tithings have made it tough to twit as I’ve been forced 2 take a 2nd job delivering mulberries in the forest.

Man,Misha you're always make us smile with all your crazy photos!:D
Misha's tweet posted on September 8th with a picture:[b]Tiny tithings have made it tough to twit as I
over a year ago toti8 said…
Another tweet in which Misha is referring to the guilt that his minions caused him because he hadn't tweeted for a while :Which brings me to Proclamation #6b: Minions are heretofore forbidden to guilt trip me. (Mom, you, of course, are exempt from this edict.)
over a year ago toti8 said…
Misha's tweets on September 10th :educate me. What is this "twitter ruckus" of which you speak. BTW, i like this hash tag, "#WHERETHEHELLISMISHA" what are you talking about?
On Twitter supernatural fans were discussing about the upcoming premiere and had made #luciferiscoming a trending topic.Puff Daddy and other twitter users thought that it was a satanic topic cause they didn't understand that it was about Lucifer coming in SPN's premiere!That's why they started sending messages to SPN fans with biblical quotes and made a topic #Godishere.Twitter erased both topics due to the controversy.Kripke was very thankful to the fans for bringing so much attention to the show with this topic!Now Misha is asking the fans to make #PDIDDYISSCAREDOFHISTV a trending topic so we can punish PDaddy for making such a big fuss out of nothing.That's why he posted these tweets:

What?!! We're at war with Puff Daddy now? That's fantastic. All we've needed all along is a common enemy to unite us!
Mr. Twitter should be ashamed of himself for caving to God (and his crony P. Diddy).
I'm throwin' down the gauntlet: P. Diddy, if you're out there & you're man enough, i challenge u to an cupcake eating contest-on horseback!
Minions: I'm not sure how these things work, but if we get #PDIDDYISSCAREDOFHISTV to be a twit trend, that'd be our first tactical victory.
Okay. I'm off to the equestrian center for riding lessons. Someone please contact Mr. Diddy's dealer so we can set up the showdown.
over a year ago Roxyn said…
big smile
wow what a mess, just because they were talking about lucifer and god from supernatural =O but it's funny now the war eheh a cupcake eating contest that sounds fun let's see how that ends up :D
over a year ago toti8 said…
Misha's latest tweets:Just read a few twit "mentions" here. One of you accused me of being a "lurker"... I prefer the terms "voyeur" or "silent but deadly

I also read the new Twitter Terms of Service-apparently I'm no longer allowed 2 "sell followers." What's the going rate 4 a follower anyway?

Well, according to your counter-twits, the street value of a minion varies widely, however, the mean appears to be quite affordable.

You'll never be able to sell me Misha!You're stuck for life with me!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago toti8 said…
Another batch of Misha's tweets:

THIS IS A VICTORY! Just 1 hour after deployment, #pdiddyisscaredofhistv was blocked. Clearly we've struck fear into the heart of Mr Twitter

Freedom Fighters, Censorship is a tool employed by cowering autocrats.They're weak, they're faltering, they're probably confused.

It seems that every time we mobilize on the interweb, something breaks. You're like 22 thousand bulls in a china shop.

#Twitterisafraidofmishasminions is blocked now too??!! What is this? The Stalingrad of the Internet?

The truth behind twitter's unethical censorship of minions--the real reason Mr. Twitter panders to P. Diddy
(a pic that Misha made)
Another batch of Misha's tweets:

[b]THIS IS A VICTORY! Just 1 hour after deployment, #pdiddyisscar
over a year ago toti8 said…
A bunch of U R pleading 4 help getting a Trendy Twit going, but it's National-Punctuation...Day & we: can't; "compete" w/the twitter frenzy!

Yes, i am saying that grammarians are more formidable foes than P. Diddy (or Mr. Twitter), but none hold a candle 2 K.M. #RememberKimManners

A lot of U R confusing me w/some actor named "Misha Collins." I'm the traveling revivalist minister, Misha Collins
[b]A bunch of U R pleading 4 help getting a Trendy Twit going, but it's National-Punctuation...Day &
over a year ago toti8 said…
Misha's tweets reffering to a fan who was asking for his help:
@sjb90 writes, "@mishacollins can you tell akkeb to do whatever i say in bed? she refuses to do anything unless you tell her!"
@sjb90, i would love to help you, but i just can't afford to get tangled up in another paternity suit. Try giving Akkeb wine or flowers
Great. @sjb90 no longer exists. See what happens when you try to help people? Now i'm responsible for a twitter suicide. Very depressing.
over a year ago toti8 said…
Misha's latest tweets:
Where have you guys been?! I've been worried sick. I've been posting your photos all over town. I even called your mothers &/or caretakers.
1 of u posted "we're now 1/4 of a million minions strong." Strictly speaking, it's 1/10th of 1/4 of a mil-which doesn't have the same ring.
Either way, we're a formidable force. We need to start thinking about how to construct a cumbersome bureaucracy to accentuate our numbers.
See u later. I've got to get cracking on the PEIMS (Preliminary Environmental Impact of Minions Study) before this can go to committee
I screwed up. Obama asked me for help persuading the Olympic committee to pick Chicago, but I accidentally called Nobel headquarters
Thanks 2 my carelessness, the windy city gets nada and Obama's pissed @ me because he "has to fly all the way 2 Oslo 4 some silly prize."
over a year ago joose32 said…
Okay I just had to post some of Mishas tweets from last week coz they always crack me up whenever i read them :D

Okay @kazamigorical you're daring me to say something normal?"Something normal." IN YOUR FACE! Now I dare you to eat a quart of gefilte fish
1:36 PM Feb 26th via web (LMAO at IN YOUR FACE! hahahaha)

If you're watching the final US/Canada Olympic game I'm playing for the U.S. under the pseudonym "Ryan Malone."
It's been a rough game even for hockey. Number 24 of Canada just sucked our goaly's left eye out of it's socket.
It's getting ugly here on the ice. 1 of the Canadianz pushed me & whispered "U skate like a girl!" I'm fighting back the tears. What a jerk! (LMAO)
& since when were ice pyroettes girlie? I'm doing them for the strategic distraction factor. Canadians just don't understand masculinity.
See that? I even spell ballet terms like a man.(LMAO!!)
11:22 AM Mar 1st via Echofon

He's so freakin HILARIOUS!!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago joose32 said…
link tweeted:

Happy Friday, ass-butts.
9:34 AM May 15th via web

LOL 4 words, freakin' hilarious!! xD
over a year ago pizzapi said…
LOL that cracked me upppp !!!!
over a year ago pizzapi said…
@link: Ola guapas. I'm watching a Fin with a Mohawk twitting about me twitting. And it's giving me a migrain.

who is Fin with a Mohawk ?

anyway this tweet reminds me of a gang of four song that goes "this heaven gives me meegrain" (end of song)
last edited over a year ago