Miss Sherlock Updates

a poll was added: Favourite supporting character? 10 months ago by LLheart
fan art was added: the way Sherlock looks at Wato-san 10 months ago by LLheart
a photo was added: Miss Sherlock cast BTS 10 months ago by LLheart
an icon was added: Sherlock & Wato-san 10 months ago by LLheart
a link was added: Episode guide 10 months ago by LLheart
a comment was made to the fan art: Sherlock with Wato-san 10 months ago by LLheart
a comment was made to the fan art: Sherlock with Wato-san 10 months ago by LLheart
a comment was made to the fan art: Sherlock with Wato-san 10 months ago by LLheart
a comment was made to the fan art: wise words by Sherlock Futaba 10 months ago by LLheart