"Mizore Shirayuki" Fan Club Updates

a question was added: I'm not trying to defend Alucard but he actually didn't raped mizore he just teased her but it had gone to far over a year ago by an_2ir
a comment was made to the photo: the proper mizore in.. over a year ago by walteritit
an answer was added to this question: Would You Marry Mizore Shirayuki over a year ago by Theone200
an article was added: Perhaps the last article in a wasteland. over a year ago by Wolfsenix
a comment was made to the photo: Mizore over a year ago by confused_life
a comment was made to the photo: Mizore, my love over a year ago by mizorelover101
an answer was added to this question: Again, IS ANYBODY HERE?! over a year ago by Blank4882
an answer was added to this question: HAPPY BIRTHDAY MIZORE ^^ 7 December over a year ago by Ilovemizore12
a comment was made to the poll: What if an old lady said screw Mizore and ripped one of Mizore's pictures, what would do? over a year ago by Ilovemizore12
a question was added: Again, IS ANYBODY HERE?! over a year ago by Ilovemizore12
a comment was made to the question: Is anybody still here? over a year ago by Ilovemizore12
a comment was made to the question: Is anybody still here? over a year ago by Ilovemizore12
a comment was made to the question: Is anybody still here? over a year ago by Ilovemizore12
a comment was made to the article: It's over... over a year ago by Ilovemizore12
a comment was made to the article: Mizore Love Contest Entry over a year ago by Ilovemizore12
a comment was made to the answer: Yep. Still love Mizore ^_^ over a year ago by EmiKoizumi
a comment was made to the poll: All Mizore fans are inside a castle that is being seiged by an army, what do you do? (Mizore is in the tallest tower) (any choice has the posibility of death) over a year ago by Ilovemizore12
a comment was made to the answer: Yep. Still love Mizore ^_^ over a year ago by Ilovemizore12
a comment was made to the answer: Yep. Still love Mizore ^_^ over a year ago by Ilovemizore12
an answer was added to this question: Is anybody still here? over a year ago by EmiKoizumi
an answer was added to this question: Any Mizore fans still around? over a year ago by Ilovemizore12
a question was added: Is anybody still here? over a year ago by Ilovemizore12
an answer was added to this question: What if Mizore had her own show!!? over a year ago by NeoNightclaw19
a comment was made to the article: MIZORE LOVE CONTEST! over a year ago by Ilovemizore12
a comment was made to the answer: i assassinate both of them and when they dead, i stab the sword into them and keep it like that over a year ago by dragon7382
an answer was added to this question: Let's say you saw both Okuto Kotsubo (the gym teacher) and Miyabi Fujisaki (one of the leaders of Fairy tale) in a city. Now next to you is a medivial weapons shop, hunting supplies shop, and a sushi bar. What are you going to do to the two people who over a year ago by Ilovemizore12
an answer was added to this question: If you took Tsukune's place and Moka, Kurumu, and Yukari were all sick but you and Mizore weren't would you and her spend the day together or would you try and act as though nothing happened. over a year ago by Ilovemizore12
a comment was made to the answer: I like all of it she stalks with the best ability and she is so cute. Except the tsukune part i want her for myself! over a year ago by Ilovemizore12
an answer was added to this question: What do you like about Mizore Shirayuki? over a year ago by Ilovemizore12
an answer was added to this question: If you were a character in Rosario+Vampire, what will you do when Tsukune picks Moka to be his girlfriend and breaks Mizore's heart? over a year ago by Ilovemizore12
an answer was added to this question: You And Mizore Are Immortal, You Will Never Die, And Are In a Room Alone Together. How Would You Spend Your Eternity With Her over a year ago by Ilovemizore12
an answer was added to this question: If Mizore was in danger and you had to save her even you might die, how would you save her and what song would be playing in your head as you save her? over a year ago by Ilovemizore12
an answer was added to this question: Mizore askes you to make babies. What would you say. ( answer: i tought you never asked) over a year ago by Ilovemizore12
an answer was added to this question: If You Had a Charicter in Rosario+Vampire What song Whould You Sing to Mizore to Make her Fall in-love With You? over a year ago by Ilovemizore12
an answer was added to this question: if you could tron Mizore-chan into the real world, would you do it?and what would you do with her? over a year ago by Ilovemizore12
an answer was added to this question: What if Mizore had her own show!!? over a year ago by Ilovemizore12
an answer was added to this question: If Mizore came out of ur bathroom shower in her bathin' suit and said "let's have a baby", what whould you do? over a year ago by Ilovemizore12
a comment was made to the answer: I love her!!!! I've sold my soul and used every dark art I could think of to make her real, but to no Avail. I have one last trick but if hell is real... over a year ago by Ilovemizore12
an answer was added to this question: Do you find Mizore Shirayuki more attractive than real women? over a year ago by Ilovemizore12
an answer was added to this question: Would You Marry Mizore Shirayuki over a year ago by Ilovemizore12
a comment was made to the poll: Are you in Love with Mizore Shirayuki or with Real Women? over a year ago by mizore_pop_32
an answer was added to this question: (be honest) Mizore loves you to the point she wants to keep you frozen in a block of ice. Hearing this news what would you do. over a year ago by NeoNightclaw19
an answer was added to this question: You and Mizore are in the same class and both your desks are side by side. She doesn't know you. Your working on a assignment together. Would you just sit there awkwardly staring at her for the whole class, work like you would normally work or would over a year ago by NeoNightclaw19
an answer was added to this question: (be honest) Mizore loves you to the point she wants to keep you frozen in a block of ice. Hearing this news what would you do. over a year ago by Daj49Space
an answer was added to this question: You and Mizore are in the same class and both your desks are side by side. She doesn't know you. Your working on a assignment together. Would you just sit there awkwardly staring at her for the whole class, work like you would normally work or would over a year ago by Daj49Space
a comment was made to the photo: MIzore's Panties! over a year ago by alig
a comment was made to the photo: mizore fan art 2 over a year ago by alig
a comment was made to the poll: Mizore is captured by a demon and you have one shot at saving her. What will you do to save her? (Inevitable fight, no peace) over a year ago by Ice-Sickle
a comment was made to the poll: What do you like in Mizore? over a year ago by Ice-Sickle
a comment was made to the poll: Which limb would you cut off in order to save Mizore's life? (you can get Automail afterwords!) over a year ago by alig