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MJ - Death Hoax Question

TMZ is watching us? ;)

It is more than clear that TMZ is in on the MJ hoax thingy.

As you can see, they look in our hoax pages, forums etc. They know very well what's going on, and so they want to know what we think about it... everything with one purpose... ;)

But, lets think a bit... why would a gossip site follow stuff about the hoax? why were they the first ones sayng MJ was dead? why are ALWAYS the first ones telling news about all MJ stuff?? WHO tells them all that? WHO is behind TMZ????? WHO????????????????

And, why did MJ visit TMZ just some time before he died??? IS IT ALL...mmmmmmmmm... PLANNED????

Let me know what you think! ;)
and first Mj is not alive !!!!!!
MJlady98 posted over a year ago
or do you think Mj would let his kids out without masks ???? not for any price of the world >!!!!! never !>!>!
MJlady98 posted over a year ago
remember..MJ went out with his kids just before he died, and the kids were NOT wearing a mask ;) and he's ALIVE!! :D
Mjj7 posted over a year ago
 Mjj7 posted over a year ago
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MJ - Death Hoax Answers

foreveraMJJFan said:
ok thats just creepy.....
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posted over a year ago 
taytrain97 said:'re scaring me
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posted over a year ago 
paloma97ppb said:
TMZ watching us? Thats umm sort of scary.
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posted over a year ago 
MJlady98 said:
omg !!! and and than the press and co can see what we are doing and writing ?? omg
and at the other clubs too ! or ?
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posted over a year ago 
Nobody mentioned the name fanpop in the video u idiot
PrinceMJluv posted over a year ago
ey !!!! are saying that again ohh ! i say nothing :-P
MJlady98 posted over a year ago
CornChips said:
Yeah pretty obvious they are. MJ's family & friends are watching too.
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posted over a year ago 
really really really ??
MJlady98 posted over a year ago
I saw a video last year showing that the former attorney had a hoax detective video on his profile. I dont remember which video though.
CornChips posted over a year ago
right corn!! ;)
Mjj7 posted over a year ago
PrinceMJluv said:
The way I see it is,
MJ cleary hated the media and TMZ and stuff. Just because one of his companies (Sony) works/worked with TMZ DOES NOT mean that MJ had to too.
Like you said, their GOSSIPERS. Where do you think they get the major gossip from? US! That's why they follow it. To see what WE'RE saying so they can start some article about it. So people will read it! But that DOESN'T mean it's all true. I'm just gonna lay down the law here. TMZ, can NEVER be trusted. About ANYTHING. Not just MJ stuff.
You know who tells them that stuff? SOURCES that used to/never worked with him or either people inside the family or close family friends. That's IT.
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posted over a year ago 
droberson1104 said:
Apparently TMZ reported Mj's "death" before anyone. They are definitely in on this!!!
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Apparently TMZ reported Mj's "death" before anyone. They are definitely in on this!!!
posted over a year ago 
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