Morgan Freeman UGH!!!

runnah posted on Aug 08, 2008 at 02:41PM
OK, This guy has been my #1 pick for best actor for quite some time.
I did not need to know that he is getting divorced, is seeing some other woman,any political views, etc
As a fan, I may stand alone here.
An actor needs to be just that. An actor.
The entertainment industry pays very well for this type of performer, however, one down side may be that some of the general public does not want to know about the personal lives of these guys.
I am bummed to find out that he is just a regular guy.
I liked the image I had of this guy up until now, because, up until now, I didn't know anything except his tremendous acting skills.

Morgan Freeman 1 reply

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over a year ago justinownz said…
ok first of all runnah, i completely dissagree with you.he doesnt need an award to be the #1 actor, he allready is.
second of all, he is not an ordinary guy, he is the best person alive. he created the world, and he will smite you if you talk shit about him ever again.