Mortal Instruments Who is who of my Top 3 Contenders for the Casting of Alec Lightwood?

darkgoth posted on Jul 15, 2011 at 10:07AM
Douglas Booth is such a great choice for me because he fulfills all the requirements as needed for the role of alec. However, I’m a little worried the nineteen year old actor looks younger if he sleighs along with tweens lead co-stars Jamie and Lily, not as what pictured in the book. A little issue of based-off book involved but it is not a big deal, still okay for me no matter what.. While my personal pick, Edmund Entin, aged 25, he is safely looks the oldest in siblings and besides that, he has the kinship features connection with Izzy as what I mentioned before.

Others than these two, I guess Nick Hault would be fine for Alec too. At least he isn’t obnoxious
Douglas Booth is such a great choice for me because he fulfills all the requirements as needed for th

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