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Movies Question

Does any1 know this film? I would really a appreciate any tip that comes throug.

So I saw this film really long ago, like at least ten years. It is about a boy around twelve or a little older who lives in a kind of shed. It is near a welthy family and the daughter of the owner of the house is a friend of his. Somewhere in the movie the boy and the man of the welthy household argue and the boy runs away about his rent or something like that, this is I think around christmas time, but shortly after he leaves a snowstorm breaks out and he nearly dies of hypothermia but manages to get into a church near his home.

His friend gets worried about him and kind of orders her father, her family and their maids and servants to go looking for him because she suspect he is more close to her family that they realize. Throug out the movie the boy is painting paintings with fine coloured powder and he is really good too. A old man who is staying with the rich family is somehow connected to the boy.
If any1 can tell me the name of this movie they wil get a prop. Thank you in advance :)

Never mind, I found it. It is called A dog of Flanders!
tilkomandi67 posted over a year ago
 tilkomandi67 posted over a year ago
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