My Chemical Romance How did you discover My Chemical Romance?

gabriELLE7 posted on Jun 14, 2011 at 05:25AM
I was first introduced to My Chemical Romance's music by my mom :P ( I know that sounds kinda weird but it's true) the first album I heard from them was Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge :D (I eventually found their debut album) i have loved them and their music ever since XD so how did you discover them?

My Chemical Romance 8 replies

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over a year ago Gerardwayluvr97 said…
i was watching the SING music video on a music video channel mayb MTV but i only heard half the song but then i was hooked! it was like Dec. 2010.
over a year ago rosewaterlove said…
I heard the song "Sing" on the radio and I fell in love with it. I asked my friend whose song it is and she said MCR. I listened to more of their songs from then on :D
over a year ago AgentT said…
I first heard Teenagers when my dad was listening to it and I was like :o "what is this?" and then I looke up MCR and they've been my favorite band ever since.
over a year ago DarkestZsusanna said…
I was sitting with my brother and he started playing his only MCR song, Teenagers. I wasn't that interested until the next time I heard it and actually listened to the lyrics. I was slowly taken over by the sound of Gerard Way's voice and begged my brother to tell me the band's name. When I heard the name I wasn't even familiar with it. I started to obsess over them and showed them to a friend. She then bought the first MCR album that I've ever owned "Welcome to the Black Parade" I even began to look into the meaning and depth of the lyrics in the songs. Then I began looking for shows nearby. Then I got Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge on my ipod, but it was borrowed from the library. Now I just got Danger Days: The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys and I'm falling in love with them all over again. I will remain an MCR fan forever! Nothing can replace them ever!
over a year ago disenchanted-x said…
I remember watching the music videos for Vampires, WTTBP, and Famous Last Words when I was eleven or twelve every day after school and flinging myself across the room and onto the floor like Gerard did in FLW. c: I also thought they were kind of creepy, but eventually looked them up and listened to them properly once I grew up a little. I went through the stage of thinking they were mainstream and stopped listening, and got back into them a year before Danger Days, when high school started. I remembered I had liked them when I was little and didn't understand the lyrics until freshman year, when I really needed to, especially the whole of Three Cheers. now I'm perfectly content being a fabulous killjoy and part of the MCRmy~ <3
over a year ago teszsz said…
I was like 9 (or 8 or 10) and I was totally in to Sims 2, so I searched sims 2 videos on youtube and their was like 1 beautiful video with the annoying sound behind it, but with the years I kinda started to like "the annoying sound" called My chemical romance - Helena, So when I was 12 I searched for other songs from them,the first I found was Dead!, and the second nanana and that's how I totally fell in love with their music :)
over a year ago Z----hello said…
I was just listening to music and it was on this app i can't remember the name but one of the songs finished and then teenagers came on at first I didn't really like but then I started to listen to it more. I put it aside for a bit but then i kind of got bored of the songs i already had. So i just remember looking up the band and i was just going through all of their songs and then i grew to love it and now life would just be wierd without MCR.
8 months ago -MCRXRAVEN- said…
I heard MCR was emo music, so, since I’m emo, I’m like, hey, wont kill me. I turned on House of Wolves and immediately got hooked. IMO: MCR is more punk/alt rock than emo core. Now I can’t listen to anything else without being like oh fuck this is cringe
last edited 8 months ago