My Little Pony Friendship is Magic The Eye of Anubis RP

NocturnalMirage posted on Dec 15, 2014 at 06:52PM
Equestria after the war... When I look around I see prosperity, harmony, happiness and most importantly: abundance. It is interesting to see how much everything's changed over such a short time. It appears Queen Summer Pride knows what she's doing. I heard the rumors about her. They say she's immortal! Well... I shall soon put that assumption to the test soon enough!

I am a Queen as well! I walk amongst you, yet not a single one of you notices me. But that's good. I prefer it that way. My eyes and ears are everywhere anyways! I know everything worth knowing even before it happens! Ponykind's vanity has spread throughout the planet... their hearts became self-satisfied with the absolute confidence that their world was safe and this land was their domain.

Yes, this unwavering belief in your superiority will be your doom! You think you meant to rule forever... but you are not alone! And neither am I! For over ten years, we have been watching you in silence!

You have forged your alliances... You trusted without cause... but you failed to see beyond today and realize you are merely pawns in a big game. And the table will soon be turned! Because we have found something in infinite darkness of the vast abyss that was our home for countless centuries! Something that will change everything!

It is time we showed ourselves to the world!

It is time for us to show our strength!

It is time for you to see who's really in charge!

It is time for you to remember why were you afraid of the dark!

It is time for the dead to rise from the ashes!

The path has been set, the pawns are in place! Shall we play a game?

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- No godmodding (nopony's all-powerful and/or invincible, not even Celestia herself)

- No puppeteering (please refrain from taking control of someone else's character without a permission)

- No killing each other's characters without permission.

- No Deus ex Machina (a conflict cannot be magically solved/made disappear by a simple flash of a horn.)

- There is no character/person limit, you may play as many characters as you want, within a reasonable number of course.

- No guns or firearms (except for Longsword's one pistol, he was allowed to keep that as a souvenir :)

- Please do not implement anything that deviates drastically from the established laws of the show!

- We like to keep a fast pace and although this is not a specific rule, but try to post daily so you won't fall out of the loop.

- And most importantly: HAVE FUN!

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In order to join with your OC, please fill out this short character sheet below!

Bio: (optional)

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Useful tips:

- This RP is the sequel of he Great Unrest RP. The following events take place 10 YEARS after the war. However, only a few characters are the common link, this story line has nothing to do with the prequel and does not require any specific knowledge from you if you haven't participated in the first RP.

- The only thing you should keep in mind, that this RP still takes places in Medieval Equestria, long before Celetia's birth.

- Unlike the prequel, Equestria is an egalitarian society now, which means all pony tribes are equal, with one of my OCs, Summer Pride in charge. She was elected Queen by the other roleplayers in the previous RP

- Just to give you a heads up on what to expect: This RP will deal with ponykind's very first encounter with the Changelings. Their Queen, Obsidian Pearl will be the primary antagonist throughout the story arch.
Equestria after the war... When I look around I see prosperity, harmony, happiness and most important
last edited on Dec 16, 2014 at 05:12PM

My Little Pony Friendship is Magic 3376 replies

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over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Longsword: (Places her hoof on Meadows head)
Steel Sword: What. We can't just let you all fight this battle yourselves. We are all going to fight alongside you, no matter what
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Slingshot: Oh... I understand...
Catapult: I'm not leaving Tsura's side, that's for sure! Wherever she's going, I'm going with her.
over a year ago Jade_23 said…
Jaya: *commands the dragon to rise and to fly* We did our part. And you did yours. So we are done in this battle. You go back to Equestria, we stay here. That was the plan all along.
Wheat: Perhaps you gypsies can live with us. There's enough room for everypony in such a land as Equestria!
Jaya: Us travelers would be insulted in every corner. No thank you. Although we've done heroic things, you cannot convince everypony to believe we are good. *shrugs* We're used to it. The zebras are as well. And the deer.. And the Yaks.. And all the outsiders. But knowing my stubborn daughter, she'll want to go to Equestria. She has always wanted to explore that area. Although she never had a chance since everypony was on the lookout for her! And.. she'll want a better future for her child.. We don't have that here. No education, no class..
Tsura: *nods* Exactly.
Ragnar: *places his hoof on her mother's* I'll stay with you.
Jaya: *smiles* Good.
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Slingshot: Then it is settled.

A few minutes later, the dragons arrive back to the camp and Slingshot quickly gathers the remaining equestrians.

Catapult: *observes his mother from the top of the dragon, still holding Tsura tightly in his arms* Is this... everypony?
Slingshot: I'm afraid so. Our numbers have dwindled...
Catapult: *hops off the dragon and gently places Tsura on the ground* If you're coming with us... I guess you wish to say goodbye to your mother and your brother...
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Steel Sword: (Starts to become worried about the events that occurred)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Jade_23 said…
Tsura: Right.. I'll.. Be right back.

She flies off and soon gathers with her mother and brother.

Jaya: Well.. Will you come visit us?
Tsura: Perhaps.
Jaya: Good.. Will you be happy?
Tsura: *nods* I think I will.
Jaya: If anything happens.. If he tries anything on you.. If anyone tries anything on you in Equestria, you come back here. Are you prepared for the amount of insults you might get?
Tsura: I've dealt with worse. Will you attend my wedding?
Jaya: No. We don't mix cultures like that.
Tsura: Oh.. Okay.. *turns her head to her brother* ..Will you? Will you at least visit?
Ragnar: I don't know.. No.. I don't want to attend something I'd like to forget. I don't want to step hoof on Equestria, actually. I failed. I let them take her. And now I hate myself.
Tsura: How about your nephew? And your grandson?
Jaya: I don't want to see the baby.
Tsura: ..Oh.. Alright.. What happens if he wants to see you?
Jaya: Then you tell him I'm dead. Or that I'm sick.
Tsura: ...Will you at least.. Send cards? Equestrians do that.
Jaya: Too bad I'm not an Equestrian.
Tsura: *lowers her furry ears in disbelief, then looks at her brother* Will you miss me?
Ragnar: Of course. Always will. *smiles at his sister*
Tsura: Then.. I guess this is goodbye. *quickly turns around and flares her wings*
Jaya: Tsura.. Will you change?
Tsura: What?
Jaya: Will you become like them? Will you.. Act like them? Speak like them? Dress like them? Change beliefs? Will you show your kid our beliefs or theirs?
Tsura: I.. I don't know.
Jaya: Alright. Travel safe.
Tsura: ..You're not going to hug me? Or care for me?!
Jaya: You don't seem to need it. Less deserve it.
Tsura: I understand. Then.. Goodbye. *gathers some supplies and flies back to Catapult and the rest*

over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Steel Sword: ....... (Suddenly, as if out of character, has an outburst) I can't take it. We can't just let Summer be captured by those creatures. We can't just stop and let them do whatever they want to her. I refuse to just give up here!
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Catapult: We won't. but as of now, we cannot do anything for her. Our ponies are exhausted, wounded, broken... Landslide needs serious medical attention... let's just go home and then we can figure out what to do...
Slingshot: Agreed. *turns to Jaya and Ragnar with an anxious expression* Jaya... Ragnar... I believe this is where we part ways now... um... I've never been so good at this... and it was a very long time ago when I needed to say it... but... without you... we wouldn't be here... so... I guess what I want to say is... *rubs her temple* ...thank you! For everything! *slightly bows her head as a sign of respect then turns around and hops onto a dragon. Once she makes sure everypony is on the other dragons she gives the word* All right everypony! We are going home!

The dragons take off one by one by Jaya's command and soon disappear on the horizon. The gypsy island shrinks and shrinks until it melts into the ocean behind them...
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Steel Sword: (Calms down a bit, trying to keep from having another outburst)
over a year ago Jade_23 said…
Wheat: *feels the gentle breeze, and sighs* It's gonna be a long trip.. So I suggest you all relax for now.
Meadow: I will. Knowing that we are all safe. *looks at Astral, then Crystal* And knowing we will see family again!
Toy Sword: And knowing we can finally sleep! *lies down on Wheat's stomach*
Tsura: *laughs at the happy families, resting her head on Catapult's chest*

* * *

Jaya: *locks her eyes on the dragon until it disappears from sight, then sighs* I've lost my daughter..
Ragnar: If Tsura wasn't on that dragon..
Jaya: *frowns* I would've made that dragon dive into the water with all the Equestrians and drowned them.
Ragnar: *laughs* I thought so..
Jaya: We have a village to rebuild. *nods at the other gypsies* Come on..
Ragnar: Yes.. *lifts his head to the sky* I will find you..
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Longsword: (Sits next to Wheat, hugging her, and whispering into her ear) I'm so glad your back
over a year ago Jade_23 said…
Wheat: *smirks at the stallion, then kisses his cheek* I am too.. I got to meet my baby and see you again!.. *looks down at the sleeping foal in her hooves*
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Longsword: Yes, your right. I am so glad to have you and Meadow back. And....... I'm sorry for doing what I did (Starts to look saddened)
over a year ago Jade_23 said…
Wheat: Shhh.. It's in the past. *lifts his chin and kisses his nose* Let's forget about it.
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Longsword: (Places his hoof onto hers) Your right. Sorry. I just.... never wanted to do something like that to you. Which is why I'm so glad that your okay
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
Slingshot: *stares directly ahead with a dark expression, without saying a word*
Catapult: *notices his mother's concerns* Mother... what's wrong?
Slingshot: I just don't know what we shall find back in Equestria... probably rubble and ashes...
Landslide: *moans a bit as he comes to just in time to hear Slingshot's last sentence. He smiles in that gentle, calm way like he always does* Then we shall rebuild...

The dragons gain altitude and soon emerge from the clouds above; the sun bathing everypony with its warm light as the silent caravan slowly travels on the winds toward their homeland of Equestria... Although the survivors savor the moment of peace they can share with their fellow ponies, one dark thought haunts the corners of each and every mind... Yes, they survived indeed but they face an uncertain future and they all feel it in their bones that despite all her evilness, the Changeling Queen, Obsidian Pearl was right about one thing: Nothing will be the same ever again and despite the fact that none of the ponies could explain or even grasp the feeling, they know it in their souls: an era has come to an end...

*** ***

A strange, sinister airship, as black as night slices through the air like a bullet above the dunes of the infinite deserts of the East. After hours of speeding, the engineers turn off the extraordinary engine and the ship slows down right above a large sinkhole near the Eastern edge of the barren. The gully is so wide and deep that the huge vehicle can disappear in it without a trace. As the airship docks, hundreds of changelings swarm out of the numerous dark underground tunnels to greet the new arrivals. A ramp coils out of the ship's barrel like a giant tongue and a squadron of beasts march out of it, led by a tall, mighty changeling, wearing a blue, crystalline helmet. His companions surround a seemingly unconscious white unicorn, who's chained to a gurney.

Another changeling emerges from crowd of bystanders, wearing strange, crystal glasses and a strange, white robe. He's skinny appearance is quite a contrast to the leader's massive look, which radiates power and determination. Yet they both shake hooves and greet each other like old friends. The puny changeling stares at the leader, his glasses are magnifying his cold, royal blue eyes.

???: Ah, Prince Ricochet, you have returned! Your conquest was a success, yes?
Ricochet: Yes. We broke the surface dwellers... Equestria will soon be ours! But we paid a steep price for it.
???: So I've heard... I'm sorry about your mother...
Ricochet: She died for our cause... but I came back with a valuable trophy as well. *signals the other monsters to come forward and show the white unicorn*
???: Oh, you have brought another specimen?
Ricochet: Indeed. But this one is special. and not just because it's the equestrian queen.
???: Mmm, how wonderful!!! I can't wait to get started!
Ricochet: She's all yours, doctor!

The changelings push the gurney down on one of the pitch black tunnels until they reach a larger cave; one of many in the underground system. Once they lock the heavy doors behind them, they chain the unicorn to an iron table and leave the room; only two guards remain in front of the door.

The doctor comes closer and examines the unicorn. He reaches out and touches her face, squeezing her cheek with a satisfied grin on his face. Suddenly the unicorn's eyes pop wide open and she struggles against her shackles but cannot break free.

Summer: Where am I?! Who are you?!
???: *chuckles in a menacing way* Oh, we're a strong one, aren't we? They call me Precise Cut. And you're one of the most promising specimens I've ever seen!
Summer: Let me go, vermin or I'll incinerate you!!!
Precise Cut: You shall do no such thing, my dear!

The doctor peacefully begins searching in his saddle bag until he finds a blue crystal which he pushes under Summer's nostrils, forcing her to inhale. A few seconds later, the white mare becomes dazed but still conscious enough to see what's happening around her. Precise Cut prepares his tools, clearly contemplating about which one he should use...

Summer: *her breathing accelerates as panic starts to overwhelm her* what are you going to do to me???!
Precise Cut: *holds a black scalpel in front of the unicorn* Just some research... *grins devilishly, slowly moving the sharp tool closer to Summer's chest* So... shall we begin?

The bone chilling screams of the unicorn echo all around the caves and underground tunnels but the horrible sounds of agony are snuffed out by the eternal darkness of the abyss...

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Jade_23 said…
( YEAH! Well that was fun! No.. AWESOME! Can't wait to see what will happen next! :3 Oh, I have a question too! We know who voices our characters, correct? Well.. If our characters were human, who would you hire as the actors/actresses?)
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
(Well, this concludes the RP, thank you all very much for participating and making it so awesome and epic as it was! It was a pleasure rping with you guys, as always, but stay tuned because the sequel of this rp will be up soon, so don't miss it! ;)

OC Voice Cast

Summer Pride - Grey DeLisle
Landslide - Robert Downey Jr.
Slingshot - Michelle Monaghan
Catapult - Tom Kenny
Obsidian Pearl - Mila Kunis
Ricochet - Kiefer Sutherland
Precise Cut - Dwight Shultz
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
(Hmm... good question, Jade! Let's see! )

OC Cast

Summer Pride - Demi Moore
Landslide - Tom Hardy
Slingshot - Meryl Streep
Catapult - Ryan Reynolds
Obsidian Pearl - Mila Kunis :)
Ricochet - Zachary Quinto
over a year ago alinah_09 said…
(Lol,didn't really do much...haha xD Anyway,status report i did well on the tests...except Math...proooobably...yeah,no. Well I look forward to the start of the next one!! :3 Haha,if this was a novel series,i'd totally buy it...although as of this moment i currently like the psychological thriller genre.)
NocturnalMirage commented…
Congrats on your test! :3 over a year ago
Windwakerguy430 commented…
Congratulations :D over a year ago
over a year ago Jade_23 said…
(YAY! Congratulations on the test! You passed the test! *begins to sing The Failure Success Song Reprise from MLP*)


Wheat Roll: Emilie de Ravin
Tsura Sly: Salma Hayek
Ragnar Sly: Nolan North
Jaya Sly: Kate Mulgrew
Meadow Light: Laura Bailey
Toy Sword: Jared Gilmore


Wheat Roll: Emilie de Ravin
Tsura Sly: Jaimie alexander
Ragnar Sly: Ian Somerhalder
Jaya Sly: Barbara Hershey
Meadow Light: Sarah Bolger
Toy Sword: Kyle Catlett

(AND NOW I ADDED A PICTURE.. It's in order of the actors/actresses. :3)
last edited over a year ago
(YAY! Congratulations on the test! You passed the test! *begins to sing The Failure Success Song Repr
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
(Awesome as always guys. I really enjoyed this :D)

Longsword: Jeremy Irons
Steel Sword: June Foray
Morning Star: Jim Cummings
Pipe Organ: Frank Welker
Blunderbuss: Ron Perlman

(Actors are about the same because I'm unoriginal :P)
last edited over a year ago
alinah_09 commented…
you forgot about Morning Star :P over a year ago
Windwakerguy430 commented…
Oh crap, your right :P over a year ago
over a year ago alinah_09 said…
(I'm not really knowledgeable on those showbiz stuff...that's more my sister's style. xD So I got nothing.)
over a year ago Jade_23 said…
(Nah, it's fine. I used some of the actors as the voices as well. xD And nice choices, along with you Mirage! :D I can tell you like Mila Kunis! xD And it's fine Alinah, no harm done! :)
over a year ago NocturnalMirage said…
(Thanks! Yeah, I do like her. Especially her voice. Oh my, it's just so deep and sexy, I could listen to it all day. :D)
over a year ago alinah_09 said… that last passage in the RP I realized how this reminds me of that farewell song in the Kholat Sountrack.
alinah_09 commented…
...this could proooobably be a credits song for the RP xD over a year ago