NCIS It may just be me but?!

DaveX posted on Jan 15, 2011 at 04:40PM
It may just be me but does it seem that Pauley is getting more media attention than Cote? Pauley seems to be at conventions & awards more than cote does, what are your thoughts on this.


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over a year ago NCIS_Addict_87 said…
Pauley does get more media attention than Cote or any of the others really, except maybe Mark Harmon. Pauley stands for alot of great things, working with NOH8, United Way and many other charities. She keeps her fans informed via twitter & occasionally her youtube account and communicates with her fans when absolutely possible. I always see Pauley at award shows & actually just recently questioned why the rest of the cast didn't go to them. But they each have great things they do, Pauley's just get more recognition.