Ned's Declassified Unhonest Abe

ronpaulforprez posted on Jan 11, 2008 at 01:30AM
Hey everyone. Am a big fan of the show but when I saw a re-run of the episode, "most important test ever," I noticed something. Little Abe Lincoln was on the wrong side of Ned's sholder!
It is ironic that this scene would happen when Ned was taking a HISTORY test. What kind of history do they teach at James K Polk anyway??

First off President Lincoln (known in this episode as, "Abe,") was actually anything but honest.
Yes, I know, everybody like to talk about what a real champ this guy is despite the fact his bust looks like Frankinstine on Mount Rushmore.
People think he was a real champ for a few reasons. The first is that school teachers only teach the myths that were created by Lincoln supporters and they also teach students misleading quotes from him but leave out some of the things he really said on what he really thought.
For example, we are taught that Lincoln saved the Union right?
Did you know that the South would not of even seceded from the Union if Lincoln did not become president? He was given a choice. He knew that if he ran for president the South would surely leave the Union. Anybody who had actually trully wanted to preserve the Union would have sacrificed his chance to be president in order to keep the Union together. Instead, Lincoln not only ran for president, giving the South its cause to secede but he also reinforced his military presense in a South Carolina harbor giving cause for a whole war too!!
In 1775 the American colonies would have decided not to secede from England if only King George had given up his crown or had admitted he had wronged the colonists.
In 1861 the South would not of seceded if only Lincoln did not become president. There would have been no civil war if only he recognized Southern independence and did not invade the South with his armies and navy.
Was "honest abe," a champion of black liberation from slavery? NO. Not only did his wife own slaves at one point but here is what he said about African Americans, ""I will say, then, that I am not, nor have ever been in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races I will say in addition, that there is a physical difference between the white and black races, which, I suppose, will forever forbid the two races living together upon terms of social and political equality, and inasmuch as they cannot so live, that while they do remain together, there must be the position of superior and inferior, that I as much as any other white man am in favor of the superior position being assigned to the white man."
Yep, Abe said that. Look it up :-)

So Ned, that guy with the tall hat on your left sholder talking about honesty and truth was most likely not Licoln but rather some creepy little look alike.

As for all ye fellow fans who are confused by this different teaching of Lincoln history, I would suggest that if you actually want to learn, don't be so quick so soak up every little word your teacher says. There is more truth and less myth when you question what people tell you and look it up on your own!

Ned's Declassified 3 replies

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over a year ago nan0 said…
hey you i ned declaffied school sunvirl!
me too!
over a year ago 18wanda said…
I was too lazy to read that whole thing. I am a lazybum.
over a year ago moez123 said…
ned is the best boy on the show